R+D Funding Programs of the General Direction of Programs and Transfer of Knowledge Otilia Mó Romero General Director of Programs and Transfer of Knowledge.


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Presentation transcript:

R+D Funding Programs of the General Direction of Programs and Transfer of Knowledge Otilia Mó Romero General Director of Programs and Transfer of Knowledge State Department of Universities Madrid, July 3th 2008

Human Resources. Support to basic science. Technology Transfer. Index

 Research Staff Training (FPI).  Juan de la Cierva Program.  Ramón y Cajal Program.  I3 Program.  Torres Quevedo.  Severo Ochoa. Human Resources

Pregrade Title Doctoral Thesis Torres Quevedo 4 years FPI (2+2) Grants OO.II. 3 years 10 years Juan de la Cierva Grants postdoctoral and OO.II. Ramón y Cajal Research capacity Support technical staff I3 Program Predoctoral training Postdoctoral training Consolidation Human Resources: Support tools

PURPOSE: Grants for research staff training (FPI) in R+D centres: higher qualified degrees who want to do a PhD-THESIS associated to research projects funded by the R+D+I National Program. THEY INCLUDE  Economic resources:  Grant phase: € / month + Social security.  Contract phase: € gross / year + Social security.  Doctorate and master fees.  Short stays in Spain and abroad. GRANT:  24 months.  Social security:  General Regime, with exclusion of unemployment protection.  The contribution base is the same as for group 1. CONTRACT:  After 24 months and obtaining DEA.  24 months maximum.  To formalize with the R+D centre, who will be the grant receiver. Program for Research Staff Training (FPI)

Evolution of FPI Programs

PURPOSE:  Grants for labour contracting, during three years, of doctors by non- profitable public and private R+D centres, for their incorporation to a research team. RESEARCHER REQUIREMENTS:  Up to 3 years of postdoctoral experience (possible extention for different reasons, maximum 4 years).  If <18 months postdoc: Incorporate to a different centre from thesis.  If >18 months postdoc:  If they incorporate to thesis centre: postdoc stays of 24 months in other centres.  If they incorporate to a different thesis centre: postdoc stays of 12 months in other centres.  If they have completely studied and obtained the doctor degree in a foreign university, they will be able to incorporate to any R+D centre. Juan de la Cierva Program

APPLICATIONS: The R+D centre presents the candidates, identifying the research team to which they will incorporate. GRANT:  100% funding by MEC.  Minimum wage: € gross / year. EVALUATION (ANEP):  55% Scientific-technical contribution of the applicant.  30% Scientific-technical background of the team.  15% Activity report and its adequacy to the applicant, according to his/her training and experience Total Juan de la Cierva Program

PURPOSE:  Grants for labour contracting, during five years, of doctors by non- profitable public and private R+D centres. RESEARCHER REQUIREMENTS:  Up to 10 years of postdoctoral experience (possible extention for different reasons, maximum 11 years).  Mobility:  Postdoc stays of 24 months in other centres.  Or to have completely studied and obtained the doctor degree in a foreign university, having passed al least 24 months since the date of obtaining doctorate. Ramón y Cajal Program

APPLICATIONS: Simultaneous presentation by centres and researchers. The centres present:  Offer for contracts to be funded and distribution area.  Description of strategic programs and/or institution priorities and description and motivation for each of the applicant posts. Researchers:  CV and report of the proposed research lines. GRANT:  100% funded by MICINN the first year, with 10% annual reductions.  Minimum wage: € gross / year.  Additional grant: € (for 2 years): Inventory and perishable material, congress attendances, staff expenses... Programa Ramón y Cajal

Ramón y Cajal Program Evolution

PURPOSE:  To stimulate incorporation of qualified researchers in the spanish R+D system.  To support more intensive research dedication of highly productive researchers.  To promote the incorporation of experienced researchers from abroad. INSTRUMENTS:  Incentives to the incorporation.  Cofunding for research intensification. FUNCTIONING:  Annual agreements, from MEC with autonomous communities and state research organizations, in which the funding agreements are specified. I3 Program. Stimulation of Incorporation and Intensification of research activity.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERION:  Stability: indefinite contract or civil servant appointment and incorporation during the year of the agreement signing.  Six years after the doctoral thesis defence.  24 months stay abroad or in a centre different from the one in which they have stabilized, or doctorate in a foreign university.  Requirements for production quality and scientific-technological activity, according to the knowledge area. RAMÓN Y CAJAL HIRING:  They can be pre-evaluated for the i3 Program (before being hired permanently) together with their fourth year evaluation of the Ramón y Cajal Program. If their pre-evaluation is positive, they are directly eligible, without needing a new evaluation from ANEP. I3 Program. Evaluations and eligibility

I3 Program. Funding FUNDING TYPES - Up to € per hired researcher. HIRING GRANTS - Universities and research centres can benefit from a grant of € per each stabilized researcher to a level of titular university teacher or eligible equivalent, within the framework of the agreement corresponding to the stabilization year. - The grant reaches € per each university professor or eligible equivalent, incorporated from abroad. COFUNDING OF RESEARCH STRENGTHENING - Following the Strengthening Plan of the Autonomous Community and according to what is established in each annual agreement.

 Payment in advance without guarantee for technological centres, business associations and PYMES.  PTQ grants associated to CIT 2005 projects.  Business associations will be able to hire technologists.  To open the possibility of funding to companies which are not PYMES, to hire technologists.  To extend synergies with other actions of the A.G.E.: - To promote hiring of Ramón y Cajal Program researchers. - To promote hiring of researchers in R+D projects funded by MICINN (R+D+I National Program in the part dedicated to promote PROFIT technical research, scientific and technological parks, singular projects and of strategic character.  Initial resolution for three annuities. Torres Quevedo Program. Incorporation of doctors and technologists to companies

Torres Quevedo Program. Evolution in the number of contracts

 Consolíder Program.  Research Projects. Support to Basic Science

Consolíder aims to:  Achieve research excellence.  increase researchers cooperation and  create large research teams. The aim is to benefit iniciatives and groups of greater critical mass and research excellence; promoting large research lines instead of atomized projects and providing these groups with a stable support in time that allows them to face large size and scope projects. Consolíder Program: Purpose

There are already first international level research teams in some areas of Spanish Science, and enough ones that are able to step forward:  From the individual researcher to the collaboration between different research teams.  From individual projects to large research lines.  From excessive limitation in time and in objectives (many times imposed by R+D+I public support tools) to the ambition in scope definition and in size and duration of the projects. Consolíder Program: Addressees

 79 applications have been presented in 2007 from the best research teams in our country.  After an evaluation proccess in two phases, by a Scientific Committee composed by first quality spanish researchers living abroad, a proposal for resolution has been done.  28 projects have been selected, of very high scientific quality and that involve 303 research teams allocated all over the country.  Total given grant: 82,15 millions of euros 2006 notification 149,91 millions of euros 2007 notification  2008 budget: 70 millions of euros  Subsidies: 50 millions of euros  Credits (s.t. FEDER advance): 20 millions of euros  Committed expenses during the first two notifications: 232 millions of euros ( 2006 to 2011 financial years). Consolíder Program: Results for 2007 notification

 Unique notification, with 3 essential parts, or types of projects:  Part A: Young researchers.  Part B: Medium or small size projects, in better conditions.  Part C: 5 years funding.  Funding budget: 425 millions of euros.  Quantities imputation as indirect costs up to 21% of the whole project.  Fulfilment with the management and resolution terms. Fundamental Research Projects

Type A Projects Projects for young talented researchers, with the following characteristics: Relevant and promising scientific-technological contributions. Different and innovative working lines. The main researcher must be 40 years old maximum in the year of the publication resolution and will have unique dedication to the project. Type C Projects Those developed by teams with working lines in the knowledge border and previous quality results, as well as a proven and solvent trajectory within the national and international scientific- technological community. Fundamental Research Projects

Fundamental Research Projects.Development

 Collaborative Applied Research.  Strategic Singular Projects.  Scientific and Technological Parks. Technology Transfer

Small sized projects aimed at companies, R+D public or private centres, Technological Centres, etc, but being necessary to be done in collaboration with a R+D public centre. Projects done in Scientific and Technological Parks are included in this category. Minimum total budget of euros when it is a subsidy, or euros when it is a loan. Subprogram of Collaborative Applied Research Projects Characteristics

Subprogram of Collaborative Applied Research Projects YearProjectsSubsidyLoan € € € € Total € € Awarded grants

Subprogram for Strategic Singular Projects support Singular scientific-technological projects and of strategic character “Group of R+D+I activities interlinked, that strengthen the integration of scientific and technological agents and promote technology transfer, that contribute to the improvement of the companies technological capabilities and that involve a high business risk.” Singular scientific-technological projects and of strategic character “Group of R+D+I activities interlinked, that strengthen the integration of scientific and technological agents and promote technology transfer, that contribute to the improvement of the companies technological capabilities and that involve a high business risk.” STRATEGIC SINGULAR PROJECTS

Subprogram for Strategic Singular Projects support Projects of national strategic interest, of medium- high risk and singular character Concrete objective identified in time, of scientific and technological relevant interest. Strengthening technological capabilities of spanish companies and coherent with the scientific and technological capability of research public centres and of implied technological centres. Performers: Companies, Technological centres, OPIS, Universities Minimum budget: 6 million euros

Subprogram for Strategic Singular Projects support YearSubprojectsSubsidyLoan € € € € Total € € Awarded grants

 Definition of scientific and technological park as a physical space, generator of knowledge and technology transfer.  No financial guarantees needed for certain projects. Additional subsidies to repayable loans.  New types of projects: creation of technology transfer networks between parks, viability plans, infrastructure construction.  Obligation to present, with the grant application, a viability plan for the park and a company plan.  To favour the generation of knowledge in different areas by means of technology transfer and the integration of scientific, technological and industrial interests, through the support to the construction and development of physical places in which such interests can meet: technological and scientific parks. Scientific and Technological Parks

Scientific and Technological Parks: Evolution of notifications

YearProjectsSubsidyLoan € € € € € € € Total € € Awarded grants Scientific and Technological Parks

Thank you very much for your attention