T EEN P REGNANCY By: Cynthia Garcia Age isn't what matters most, it's how good of a mother you can be. If you can love a child, take care of a child properly, and care about and accept the child forever; that's a good mother.
W HAT IS T EEN P REGNANCY ? Definition Teen pregnancy is a pregnancy occurring in a young girl between the ages of 13 and 19 years old. Causes Peer Pressure Lack of education on Safe Sex Lack of education about Methods of Birth Control Effects Having a baby at a young age Making life changing decision about yourself and baby Physical, emotional, and psychological changes that may affect you and your baby.
S TATISTICS Every year around 750,000 teenagers will get pregnant Half of all pregnancies in the United states are unplanned Unmarried teens having children account for 24 percent of all unmarried expectant mothers More than 2/3 of all teen mom will not graduate from high school Teen birth rates have dropped by almost a third since the beginning of the 1990’s
T HE W ORLD OF M OTHERHOOD Daily Challenges Learning to be responsible on your own Taking care of baby full time Going to School or Work Finding someone to babysit baby, when you want to go out Responsibilities Raising a child in a safe, healthy and loving environment Provide food, shelter, clothing, and health care for her and baby Putting the Child and it’s needs before one’s own needs.
S OLUTIONS TO T EEN P REGNANCY Parenting Prepare yourself to be responsible for an individual Think about whether you are ready and willing to give up some freedom to be a mother Start thinking about future and financial situation Adoption Willing to give your baby to another family so they can support it and raise it Have to be strong and have in mind that you want your baby to have a family who is ready for a baby Abortion Talk to Doctor about it Face the consequences of it
P REVENTION OF P REGNANCY Abstinence Be willing to wait till you are ready enough to have sexual relationships with your partner or until you are married Education Programs Get educated and find out more about safe sex and be prepare Birth Control Condoms, Female Condoms Birth control pills IUD (Intra Uterine Device) Birth control Implant (Implanon) Patch Morning –after pill
P ERSONAL E XPERIENCE I got Pregnant at 16 years old Had a baby boy, which I named Toni Martin I’m a Single Teen Mom I go to School because of my son because he is my motivation "Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang
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