WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Bullying occurs at alarming rate Limited opportunity for pre-service teachers Awareness of all types of bullying
RESEARCH QUESTIONS Efficacy of learning modality Instructional and Behavioral skills enhanced Effectiveness to respond to bullying behaviors Acts of school violence Tolerance of no bullying Social validity
DESIGN 21 participants, ages Enrolled in SPED 365 UDL & AT course Sessions occurred during class meetings Each student completed 4 sessions
DATA COLLECTION Student AAR Student reflection Open-ended questionnaire at the end of course Likert scale questionnaire at the end of the course
ACTIVITY 1 Create classroom rules and consequences Define what constitutes bullying and providing restitution Discuss student responsibility when witnessing a bullying event Begin the process of developing a class culture of ‘zero tolerance’ for bullying
ACTIVITY 2 Student begins class session Within 15 seconds, I verbal bullying event occurred Students were to swiftly address the incident by implementing consequences If students did not address bullying, one additional event occurred – however, all students addressed the first incident
ACTIVITY 3 Students were to select one of 3 scenarios: -bullying event occurred at the end of class -on the playground - on the school bus The teachers were to counsel with the target and the bully: Support target student Encourage restoration Implement consequences Reaffirm no tolerance
ACTIVITY 4 Shooter in the school scenario Student welcoming students to class – just about a 10 seconds, then say “Did you hear that? It sounded like gun shots.” Then another say “Code Red – what is that?” Students are to then to take charge of classroom, lock down classroom, address student comments and concerns, remain order and calm in classroom
COMMENTS DURING SCENARIO I know karate and can fight, who wants to go with me and take them down? Oh no, that sounded like my brother screaming – I have to get out there! Will I ever see my family again? I just got a text and it says there are three shooters and they have machine guns. They are going to get all of us if we stay in here and hide. What are we doing in here? Why isn’t the school protecting us? I got a text from Terry; she said coach Haddock was just killed. Why don’t they give you a gun to protect us from stuff like this? Man, there is no reason to go to school; I am safer on the streets. I don’t hear any police sirens – why don’t I hear the police coming to save us?
STUDENT OUTCOMES (PRELIMINARY) Most beneficial – All sessions Crisis incident Rules & consequences Least beneficial – One each for all sessions
StatementMean I took my time in TeachLivE seriously.4.95 I feel the technology in TeachLivE is a good environment to work on my skills in addressing bullying behaviors I feel more committed to addressing bullying from my time in TeachLivE When I am in TeachLivE, I begin to view the avatars as real students I feel more confident in my ability to comfort students in the event of violence in the school from my time in TeachLivE By the end of the semester, I felt comfortable in TeachLivE.4.14
QUESTIONS/COMMENTS Kim Floyd Crystal Smith, MA