What does a typical day look like? Day 8:50 to 9:05 9:05 to 9:30 9:30 to 10:30 10:45 to 12:00 1:00 to 1:35 to 2:15 2:30 to 3:30 Monday Register and morning work Assembly EnglishNumeracy Lunch Guided Reading Topic Tuesday Guided Reading EnglishNumeracy Assembly Art PE Wednes day Guided Reading EnglishNumeracy Singing Topic Music Thursday Assembly English Guided Reading Numeracy RE/French/Library PE Friday Guided Reading Computing Numeracy Assembly EnglishTopic
What do children need to bring to school? School uniform - Labelled PE kits - Labelled Book folders Homework folder Water bottle - Labelled Healthy snack Lunch box - Labelled
School uniform SCHOOL UNIFORM We think our children look very smart in their uniforms. GIRLS Winter - Grey or black trousers/skirt/pinafore Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan White/gold/blue polo shirt In the Summer some girls wear a blue and white/yellow and white dress. BOYS Winter - Grey or black trousers Royal blue sweatshirt Blue/white shirt or white/gold/blue polo shirt In the Summer some boys wear shorts.
PE kit White shorts, White T-shirt, Plimsolls or Trainers for some activities. Games Kit should be available in school all week and taken home on Friday to be washed. Track suits are advised for P.E. in winter. Jewellery, other than a watch and stud earrings for pierced ears should not be worn. For reasons of Health and Safety earrings should be removed for P.E. and swimming. The responsibility for this lies with you, the parents. Also for safety reasons, long hair should be tied back for PE lessons (and in all lessons.) Please label all clothing with your child's name If children forget PE kits, a spare one will be provided by school, and teacher will talk to parents. If they forget three times in a half term, a letter is sent home.
Reading folder / School Bag Reading book Library book Planner – completed by pupil / parent to show reading completed at home. Homework folder
Reading Mainly through guided reading Weekly: Group reading with an adult, lots of book talk Individual additional reading support during assemblies and register time. Reading at home – invaluable! 1:1 opportunities Reading out loud to an adult at home – essential! THANK YOU
Reading A Typical Guided Reading Plan The Hunger Games The Butterfly Lion Stormbreaker The Demon Dentist Cliff Hanger Monday GR with Mr. Roberts GR TaskSpellingGR Follow up GR Task Tuesday GR Follow upGR with Mr. Roberts GR TaskSpellingGuided Reading with Mrs Deakin Wednesday SpellingGR Follow up Guided Reading with Mrs Vaughan GR with Mr. Roberts Spelling Thursday Guided Reading with Mrs Vaughan SpellingGR Follow up GR with Mr. Roberts Friday GR TaskGuided Reading with Mrs Vaughan GR with Mr. Roberts GR TaskGR Follow up
Snacks – fruit Milk is available if you wish; please enquire at the office.
School Rules We are kind and polite and listen to one another We look after each other, our belongings and our school We move around school safely inside and out We tell the truth first time We try our very best
Rewards Team points (10 = a sticker) Badges (9 stickers = Bronze badge, 18= Silver badge, 36 = gold badge) House cup Merit assembly/teacher awards Golden child Rewards and Awards
Pupil Responsibilities School Council Smiley Faces – anti bullying group Y6 additional responsibilities – Playground leaders – House point counting – Registers – Birthdays – Assembly – Lunch time chairs – Office
Sanctions Step 1-verbal warning Step 2-2 nd warning and children moved position in class Step 3-child will miss 5 minutes of break and behaviour form completed. If children gets to step 3 twice in the same week, the teacher will talk to parents. Step 4- Child gets sent to another class in the same key stage. Step 5-child will be sent to either Mr Roberts or Mrs Bradley. Parents will be informed by class teacher that child made it to step 5 during the day and given details of incidents. If child gets to step 5 twice in a week, a letter will be sent by the head to the parents detailing incidents. Step 6: child will be sent to head, who will phone parents to arrange a meeting to discuss child’s behaviour and next steps.