Inventors and Inventions from the Turn of the Century.


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Presentation transcript:

Inventors and Inventions from the Turn of the Century

Thomas Alva Edison Electricity/Light Bulb -didn’t learn to talk until he was 4! -ALWAYS asked WHY, WHY, WHY? -had Scarlet Fever early in life and was left with a hearing loss. -hyperative child, very distractable and said to be “difficult” by his teachers In 1879, extremely disappointed by the fact that Bell had beaten him in the race to patent the first authentic transmission of the human voice, Edison now "one upped" all of his competition by inventing the first commercially practical incandescent electric light bulb...

From then to now

Alexander Graham Bell

From then to now

Orville and Wilbur Wright

From then to now

George Washington CARVER -born into slavery -botanist -scientist -inventor -crop rotation -soil conservation -discovered many uses of crops

From then to now

How have these inventors and their inventions impacted our lives today? Thomas EdisonElectricity Alexander BellPhone Orville and Wilbur WrightFlight George Washington CarverScience of agriculture