Plant Growth & Development: Seed Germination Plant Science Plant Growth & Development: Seed Germination Instructional Materials Service Texas A&M University - 8385 -
Bellwork Right page – write down Label top half page Left page Label top half page “Brace Map - Seed Parts” Label bottom half “Tree Map – Seed Classification” Right page – write down Objective: Accurately identify seed parts - Classify types of seeds with examples - Answer: Why do plants use seeds to reproduce.
Plant Growth & Development: Seed Germination Seeds Seed Classification Seed Germination Seed Dormancy The Germination Process Leaf Formation
Seeds The life cycle of many plants begins with a seed. Seeds are essential for the survival and continued existence of many plant species. Seeds contain the genetic material to produce another plant with identical, similar, or unlike characteristics of the parent plant.
Seeds All seeds contain an embryo and have their own food supply. The embryo consists of a plumule, epicotyl, cotyledons, hypocotyl, and a radicle.
Seeds The plumule includes the young primordial leaves and growing point of the stem. Plumule
Seeds The epicotyl is the portion of the stem above the cotyledon.
Seeds The cotyledons are the seed leaves used for food storage.
Seeds The hypocotyl is the portion of the stem below the cotyledons.
Seeds The radicle is the young embryonic root and root tip. Radicle
Activity – Left Side – Brace Map 10 minutes Remember a brace map is used to break down physical things into subparts. Example: the word “cat” is broken into C A T Use your notes to create a brace map
Seed Classification
Seed Classification Flowering plants are classified as monocotyledons (monocots) or dicotyledons (dicots) depending on how many cotyledons they possess, one or two. A cotyledon is a part of a plant that either stores food or grows to become the first leaves to undergo photosynthesis.
Seed Classification Seeds of dicot plants have two cotyledons. Seeds of monocot plants have one cotyledon.
Dicot Epicotyl Plumule Hypocotyl Radicle Micropyle Hilum Cotyledons Seed Coat
Monocot Endosperm Cotyledon Coleoptile Epicotyl Axis of Embryo Radicle Hypocotyl Axis of Embryo Cotyledon Coleorhiza Coleoptile Pedicel Endosperm Epicotyl
Dicots Dicots include: Garden beans, legumes, alfalfa, soybeans, and cowpeas.
Monocots Corn, wheat, rice, and oats are typical monocots.
Activity – Left Side – Tree Map Tree maps are used for classifying things 10 minutes – break down seeds into the main classifications. Provide three examples of each.
Final Activity Use loose leaf paper and turn in Write a summary of today’s discussion. How would you explain to your friends what you learned? For the final sentence: If you wanted to test your friend’s knowledge of seed parts or classifications, what is one question you would ask?
Bellwork Right page – write down Date entry 1/25/13 Write “Mnemonic” Left page Date entry 1/25/13 Write “Mnemonic” Right page – write down Objective: Identify key factors needed for germination - - Answer: What is germination
Seed Germination
Seed Germination Factors affecting seed germination: Moisture Temperature Oxygen Light
Moisture A seed must have an ample supply of moisture for germination to occur. Moisture content needed for germination to occur ranges from 25% to 75%. Once the germination process begins, a dry period or lack of water will cause the death of the developing embryo.
Temperature Temperature affects both the germination percentage and the germination rate. Germination rate is lower at low temperatures. Most plant seeds germinate at an optimum temperature range of 68°F to 120°F.
Oxygen Oxygen is necessary for respiration to occur within a seed. Respiration converts the stored food in the seed into energy for germination. Some seeds require less oxygen than others. Oxygen deficiency occurs if seeds are planted in flooded or compacted soil.
Light The presence or absence of light may or may not have an effect on germination. Light is not as important as a viable seed, germination medium, water, optimum temperature, and oxygen.
Activity – Left page Work with your table partner to come up with a mnemonic (sentence) with each word beginning with the following letters : MTOL letters
Seed Dormancy
Seed Dormancy Most seeds produced by mature plants pass through a period of inactivity or dormancy prior to germination. During this period of inactivity, seeds remain viable. Dormancy may be internal, external, or a combination of both.
Embryo (Internal) Dormancy Dormancy may occur when a mature seed contains an underdeveloped or immature embryo. Internal dormancy of most seeds involves a period of after-ripening. After-ripening occurs when a seed does not or is not ready to germinate until it completes a certain stage of development. Some seeds mature in the fruit but do not germinate until released from the fruit.
Seedcoat (External) Dormancy A seed may require a certain amount of light to germinate causing the seed to remain dormant until exposed to light. The seedcoat may be hard and/or thick, preventing the absorption of water, intake of oxygen, or physically preventing the expansion of the embryo.
Adverse Conditions Conditions that may affect the viability and germination of seeds include: Mechanical Injury Diseases Improper Storage Age Inadequate Growing Medium
Activity Underneath your mnemonic, in two or three sentences, compare the difference between internal and external dormancy
Bell work
Bellwork Right page – date 01/29/13 and write down Date entry 1/29/13 Left page Date entry 1/29/13 Write top half – “Flow map – Water absorption” Right page – date 01/29/13 and write down Objective: Identify key steps in germination process. - Answer: What is germination?
The Germination Process
The Germination Process Steps in the germination process: Water Absorption Radicle Emergence Plant Emergence Leaf Formation Photosynthesis
Water Absorption The seed absorbs water and oxygen. Absorbed oxygen causes the seed to swell and increase in size. The seed secretes enzymes that convert insoluble starches into soluble sugars. Soluble sugars dissolve in the absorbed water and are used as food by the plant embryo.
Activity Create a flow map on left page Show the process of water absorption. Stay in your seat and work with your table partner.
Emergence of Radicle The seed coat ruptures permitting the young root (radicle) to emerge and grow downward to anchor the plant. 4
Emergence of Radicle In a dicot, the seed coat (testa) splits near the hilum, and the young root becomes the primary root from which all branching roots form.
Emergence of Radicle In a monocot, the young root breaks through the coleorhiza (sheath). The primary root system that develops from the radicle is temporary and is replaced later with a fibrous root system.
Activity Left page - In three sentences, identify the difference between emergence of a radicle in a monocot versus a dicot. 3,5
Plant Emergence The above-soil-surface portion of the plant emerges as the radicle develops into the plant’s root system. In a dicot, the hypocotyl elongates, forming an arch and pulling the cotyledons upward. The hypocotyl arch straightens to a vertical position after passing through the soil surface.
Plant Emergence
Plant Emergence (monocot) In a germinating monocot seed, no hypocotyl arch exists to push the leaf portions through the soil. Instead, the coleoptile covering the plumule (tight roll of leaves) pierces the soil surface exposing the developing plant to the sunlight.
Final Activity Left page Write a summary of today’s discussion. How would you explain to your friends what you learned? Five or more sentences. For the final sentence: If you wanted to test your friend’s knowledge of seed parts or classifications, what is one question you would ask?
Dicot Germination Two types of seed germination occur among dicots based on how the seedlings emerge. Epigeous Germination Hypogeous Germination
Epigeous Germination In epigeous germination, the hypocotyl of the embryo elongates and raises the plumule, epicotyl, and cotyledons through the soil surface and above the ground. Garden beans have an epigeous type of germination.
Epigeous Germination
Hypogeous Germination In hypogeous germination, the epicotyl elongates and raises the plumule above the ground. The cotyedons (which are usually still enclosed by the seed coat) and the hypocotyl never emerge and remain below the surface of the soil. Peas have a hypogeous type of germination.
Hypogeous Germination
Leaf Formation
Dicot Leaf Formation After emerging through the soil, new leaves form and photosynthesis begins. In a dicot, the hypocotyl arch straightens, and the plumule is shed. The cotyledons spread apart to serve as the first leaves to transfer food to other parts of the plant.
Dicot Leaf Formation Once exposed to the air and the light, the epicotyl begins to develop into the stem and true leaves are formed. The cotyledons shrivel and die as the seedling plant uses their stored food supply.
Dicot Leaf Formation The developing true leaves continue to photosynthesize and produce a constant supply of food reserves. Hypocotyl elongation is restrained by growth hormones.
Monocot Leaf Formation After the coleoptile and plumule of a monocot emerge, the first true leaves begin to form. The food supply in the endosperm is used up and photosynthesis begins in the true leaves as they develop.
Monocot Leaf Formation Growth hormones prevent further development of the coleoptile and plumule. At the time the coleoptile appears above the soil surface, a second root system begins to develop at the base of the coleoptile to form nodal or adventitious roots.
Acknowledgements Shannon Houy, Graduate Technician, Instructional Materials Service, researched and developed the information used in this PowerPoint Presentation. Christine Stetter, Artist, Instructional Materials Service, developed and illustrated this PowerPoint Presentation. Keith Zamzow, Curriculum Specialist, Instructional Materials Service, edited and reviewed this PowerPoint Presentation. Vickie Marriott, Office Software Associate, Instructional Materials Service, edited this PowerPoint Presentation.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Reproduction or redistribution of all, or part, of this presentation without written permission is prohibited. Instructional Materials Service Texas A&M University 2588 TAMUS College Station, Texas 77843-2588 2006