Climbing Toward Success YMCA Public Relations Campaign Ethan Crawford Jill Guseman Jake Miller Megan Wise
Community Matters
Background O Strives to promote the values of healthy lifestyles and responsibility O “To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.” O Strengthen surrounding communities
Background 5,262
O 2,852 members O 7 full time staff members O 150 programs O SilverSneakers Program O Website: O Ashland YMCA Facebook page O Newspaper Brochure O E-Newsletter O WNCO Radio Station
Social Media
Situational Analysis O Largest demographic – 65 years and over O Lowest demographic – years of age O Largest competition – Kroc Center O Goal= Increase brand awareness O Increase number of people through the door and ultimately membership sales
Challenges O Low budget O Lack of technology O No consistent voice O State of economy
Opportunities O Promote the qualities of community, health, dedication, relationships, and service to the Ashland community members O Open to partnerships O Open to broadening media presence
Core Problem/Opportunity While risking the missed opportunity of gaining potential members, the core problem is being able to increase brand awareness of the Ashland YMCA to local community members, in the midst of dealing with a low budget and a poor economy.
Goal The Ashland YMCA’s goal is to increase awareness of their facilities and programming activities to the Ashland community in order to amplify recognition and membership sales.
Objectives O Employ a social media campaign O Create fresh, print publications for newspapers and classrooms O Construct promotional video O Increase class participants by 3%-5% O Target senior citizens O Target younger children
Key Publics O Parents O Expose events and activities for their children O Learn about classes and programs for adults O Senior Citizens – 65 and older O Continue to increase participation O Advocate advantages of SilverSneakers program O Support the importance of strong heart health
Key Publics O Children – Ages 18 and younger O Increase number of young participants O Acknowledge the social and physical benefits O Adhere to the concept of creating a well-rounded person O Individuals Ages O Greatly increase the demographic O Stress importance of social and health benefits O Improve cardiovascular and muscular health
Messages - Parents O Primary Messages: O “Treat yourself to a night of fit-family-fun at your local YMCA!” O “Rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit at your local YMCA!” O Secondary Messages: O The YMCA offers tons of unique physical fitness classes: yoga, cycling, zumba, and cardio dance O Moderate, regular exercise reduces mortality rates by 30%-50% among adults ages years old
Messages - Children O Primary Messages: O “Come spend a day and play at your local YMCA!” O “Come make new friends while you play at the YMCA!” O Secondary Messages: O 15% of children, ages 6-19, are seriously overweight when compared to national averages O Children who exercise feel better about themselves, are more attentive in school, and sleep better at night
Messages – Senior Citizens O Primary Messages: O “Treat your heart to a healthy lifestyle by becoming a SilverSneaker member at your YMCA today!” O “Rejuvenate your mind and body during classes at your local YMCA!” O Secondary Messages: O Exclusive SilverSneakers program where senior citizens can participate in cardio circuit and swimming programs. O Moderate exercise and weight loss reduces blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Messages – Ages O Primary Messages: O “Get in shape to look great. Now’s the time, don’t wait. Join your local YMCA today!” O “Be yourself and enjoy your stay. Come to the YMCA today!” O Secondary Messages: O Physical fitness builds strength and stamina, and helps one feel energetic over the course of the day. O Fitness leads to less stress and more happiness over the course of one’s day.
Strategies - Parents O Have a YMCA employee come and speak at local churches about the benefits of joining the YMCA. O Tactics: O Utilize local media (Television, radio, newspaper) O Hang posters in local businesses, restaurants, and offices O Design informational brochures O Contact local YMCAs to donate door prizes
Strategies - Parents O Hold a YMCA open house to expose parents to their unique programs. O Tactics: O Utilize local media (Television, radio, and newspaper) O Hang posters in local businesses, restaurants, and offices O Advertise through social media O Membership incentive (for current parent members)
Strategies - Children O YMCA offers free field trips for elementary and middle school children. O Tactics: O Contact local schools to promote field trip option O Create informational brochures to give to physical education teachers O Offer mini-interactive areas for students to test out
Strategies - Children O Hold a kids only YMCA open house O Tactics: O Advertise through local media O Invite target public on Facebook and Twitter O Offer open gym, open swim, and open fitness classes O Present incentives and prizes to children who participate
Strategies – Senior Citizens O Hold informational sessions about the SilverSneakers program at local churches and community centers. O Tactics: O If current SilverSneaker members bring a friend, they will receive an incentive O Program sessions through ads in newspaper O Hang promotional posters in businesses, restaurants, doctor’s offices, community centers, country clubs, and local legions
Strategies – Senior Citizens O Have a free senior citizens night at the YMCA O Senior citizens come and participate in SilverSneakers programs with their local doctors and physicians. O Tactics: O Contact local doctors to participate in activities O Advertise open house in local newspapers O Distribute flyers in doctor’s offices and hospitals O Hold an informational session following SilverSneakers program O Pass out free pill holders to senior citizens who participate
Strategies – Ages O Organize an open house specifically geared toward this demographic. O Tactics: O Advertise through local media outlets O Attract friends on Facebook and followers on Twitter O Create promotional videos for the open house O Hang posters in local businesses, restaurants, community centers, and doctor’s offices
Strategies – Ages O Market the YMCA Buddies Program to Ashland University students. (Community Service) O Tactics: O Work with the AU Community Service office O Hold a community service luncheon on campus where interested students can learn more about the program O Advertise with AU education majors, Greek Life, and community service organizations
General Membership Website Easy to find information Event Calendar Bold Colors Clear Headings
Suggestions for Improvement O Links to: O Facebook O Twitter O Blog O YouTube O Flickr O Picture Gallery O Video Gallery
General Membership Facebook Regular status updates about classes and programs
Suggestions for Improvement O Spotlight on member of the week O Post pictures of members in classes O Post links to YouTube page O Fun facts about the Ashland YMCA O Continue to promote classes and programs O Update the event calendar/page
General Membership YouTube Visual component to show classes and facilities
General Membership Twitter Promote daily classes and programs Upload pictures and videos Announce special promotions
General Membership Flickr Pictures of children and adult classes Pictures of facilities Pictures of special events
General Membership Blogs Spotlights on members Upload pictures and videos Weekly features of different classes
Promotional Video O YMCA Promotional Video YMCA Promotional Video
Calendar O Try to take action as soon as possible O Print materials O Social media and online presence O Summer Program starts: June 18 th O Forge ahead with some strategies and tactics O Promote awareness about the new summer program
Stepping Toward A New Success O Strongly committed to climb toward a new level of success O Implementation of strategies and tactics O Target specific groups O Introduce classes and programs to targeted groups O Help individuals lead healthy, fit lives O Increase membership sales