Regulations and Policy. Trade test regulations approved by Minister for publication: Gazette in process Phased implementation ( Regulation 2 (1), 2(4) & 7(2)) DHET / TTC SLA progressively being implemented with accredited TTC –TTC transfer from SETAs to NAMB by QCTO (41) Implementation of coordination by PADSC: Moderation and Administrative Audits. Trade Testing. Monitoring of Trade tests. Draft Regulations for Registration of Artisans : (Sect 26 C.)published for public comment 13 Feb
Trade Test System development. Trade test system development Project (SITA). – Business Service Specifications --- signed off – Solution Architecture----- signed off – DG APPROVED CONTINUATION – NEXT PHASE : Application Service Specification Technical Service Specification TRADE TEST development in process – In final process for finalisation of the Melter, Toolmaker and Plumber Trade tests – Electrician trade test finalised. – NAMB to develop a schedule for the trade qualification recently registered and will present to NAMF – Assessment specs approved by NAMB = 40 (15 Registered, 13 in process, 2 public comment.) 3
Registered Qualifications 4 QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVE L CREDIT S SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 1 Occupational Certificate: Electrical Line Mechanic (Overheard Lines Mechanic) NAMB Occupational Certificate: Plumber NAMB Occupational Certificate: Electrician NAMB Occupational Certificate: Electroplater NAMB Occupational Certificate: Melter NAMB Occupational Certificate: Moulder NAMB Occupational Certificate: Toolmaker NAMB Occupational Certificate: Engineering Patternmaker NAMB Occupational Certificate: Boilermaker NAMB Occupational Certificate: Welder NAMB Occupational Certificate: Bricklayer NAMB Occupational Certificate: Carpenter NAMB Occupational Certificate: Plastics Manufacturing Machine Setter NAMB Occupational Certificate : Vehicle Painter (Automobile and Marine Painter) NAMB Occupational Certificate: Mechanical Fitter NAMB
Qualifications in the process of registration at SAQA 5
Qualifications that were/are on Public Comments 6 QUALIFICATION TITLE NQF LEVE L CREDIT S SAQA QUAL ID AQP CURRICULUM CODE 1Occupational Certificate: Panel Beater4583N/ANAMB Occupational Certificate: Sheetfed Lithography Technician 4377N/ANAMB
Accreditation and Certification Process Assessment practitioner registration commenced (deadline March 2014.) – Assessors 721 – Moderators 381 Audits conducted (2014 – 15) – TTC 67 – SDP 36 NADQAC operational – All accreditation applications to be tabled at NADQAC – Allocation is made and the audit get conducted – Audit report is given to NAMB to process accreditation recommendation to the QCTO 7
Workplace Approval Coordination Assist, guide and coordinate SETAs with the implementation of the National Criteria and Guideline for workplace approval. Development of a centralised databank (register) of approved workplaces through NADSC. Implementation of a workplace approval reporting process to the NAMB by all SETAs. First NAMB and SETA meeting held on 15 January to establish a NADWAF to look over workplace approval systems and processes. A letter to be compiled for SETA CEOs to nominate members for the NADWAF NADWAF -- NAWDSAF National Artisan Workplace Development, Support and Approval Forum DD post vacant 8
Assessment Specs approved in QCTO Process 9 QUALIFICATION TITLEDQPQCTOAQPOFO CODE 1 HairdresserQCTONAMB MillwrightQCTONAMB Automotive Motor MechanicQCTONAMB Motorcycle MechanicQCTONAMB Diesel MechanicQCTONAMB Small Engine MechanicQCTONAMB Heavy Equipment MechanicQCTONAMB Diesel FitterQCTONAMB Survival Equipment Fitter AS Army Formation NAMB Weapon Systems Mechanic AS Army Formation NAMB671205
Thank You 10