Welcome Renewable Energy 3 rd June
It is important to remember that this is only a Partial Review of selected elements of the RSS – not a Full Review. It is not proposed to undertake a fundamental review of RSS. We will not be reconsidering the overall strategy and vision that RSS seeks to achieve; these are agreed and will remain the backbone of RSS. The overall strategy and those elements of the RSS not included in the Partial Review are not subject to revision and will continue to be in place as a statutory part of the development plan system.
Topics covered by the Review 3 key priorities: –Housing (inc revision of district housing numbers, housing market areas, affordability) –Renewable energy –Waste
Topics covered by the Review Other issues: –Gypsies & Travellers pitch provision by District –Travelling Showpeople pitch provision by District –Review of Regional Car Parking standards
Timetable These Stages Managed by Assembly Launch of RSSNovember 2007 Preparation of Project PlanOctober 2007 – April 2008 (consultation Feb \ March 2008) Technical / Research studiesSpring April 2008 Development of OptionsApril – May 2008 (targeted consultation June 2008) Preparation of Draft RSS Policies (including targeted engagement on interim Draft Polices) July 2008 – March 2009 (October – November 2008) Approval & submission of Draft RSS to GONW March - April 2009 These Stages Managed by GONW Formal Public Consultation on Draft RSS May – July 2009 Examination in Public process Estimated August 2009 – January 2010 Panel Report Published Estimated April 2010 Government’s Proposed Changes to RSSEstimated April - August 2010 Final RSS issued by GovernmentEstimated December 2010
SEA / SA Process Combined approach covering: –Sustainability Appraisal –Strategic Environmental Assessment –Habitat Regulation Assessment –Health Impact Assessment –Equality Impact Assessment –Rural Proofing Integrated into one process covering 5 stages Stage A: The production of an SA Scoping Report Stage B: Developing and refining options Stage C: Preparation of the SA \ SEA Report Stage D: Consultation on the Revision and SA \ SEA Report, led by GONW Stage E: monitoring and responding to adverse effects
Engagement High level political engagement via NWRA Executive Board and its successor organisation from July 2008 Building upon best practice from previous reviews of RSS (also RES) Primarily web based – though facility for those who cannot access IT to be involved via hard copy, dedicated freephone number etc Supplemented by workshops during June 2008 for options stage Working with CAG Consultants to deliver this Specialist techniques being developed to work with Gypsy & Traveller and Travelling Showpeople communities Use of other techniques to raise awareness
Beyond RSS - Towards a Single Regional Strategy Current Government Consultation on Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration (SNR) Proposal to develop a Single Regional Strategy to replace RSS and RES with a Single Regional Strategy (subject to primary legislation) –Assembly already working with NWDA colleagues on initial work to develop a Single Regional Strategy –Work on Partial Review will form an input into Single Regional Strategy and not be abortive Proposed to give the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) the responsibility for developing the Single Regional Strategy, working closely with local authorities and other partners. The statutory functions of Regional Assemblies with respect to the RSS would be transferred to the RDAs (subject to primary legislation) –Assembly already working with closely with NWDA colleagues on Partial Review of RSS Until these proposals are implemented the RSS responsibilities will stay with the Assembly (and its post July 2008 successor body), which will continue with bringing forward the Partial Review of RSS.
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Renewable Energy Options
Issues to be addressed – One Existing European legislation - Renewables Directive The Government’s Energy White Paper, Energy Bill and Climate Change Bill The North West Sustainable Energy Strategy Planning Policy Statement 22 (PPS22) Targets based on a region’s assessment of its renewable energy resource Criteria based policies relating to the identification of types of location or technologies and the scale of development Locational considerations Draft RSS policy EM17 The Assembly research
Issues to be addressed – Two Links with other policy areas being reviewed in the Partial Review Links with other policy areas not covered in the Partial Review. Links to cross cutting themes which are the key spatial principles set out in the Panel Report (i.e. policies DP1 to DP8) Links to other regional strategies.
What has been decided? The intention is to supplement policy which may be through the introduction of a diagram(s) that will set out broad locations for various renewable energy technologies. It may be necessary to amend policy EM17 in the Proposed Changes to RSS Any national, other regional or sub-regional issues where decisions have been taken or are expected soon that need to be flagged up in the options consultation
The Options The central theme to any of the options that come forward is the need for a policy approach that sets out broad locations or areas for various renewable energy technologies including a diagrammatic representation, where appropriate, of the locations/areas selected
Policy considerations Region wide policies building on Policy EM17; Sub-regional policies which could set out the potential appropriate technologies by sub– region and highlight specific matters that would need to be considered within each sub- region. The inclusion of broad areas where appropriate for a particular renewable energy technology.
The Options Development of an approach that follows the ‘theoretical maximum’ assessment set out in the accompanying evidence base. Development of an approach that follows the ‘pragmatic’ assessment set out in the accompanying evidence base.
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