IP access network Enhancer TVHD: terminals available, program production now on learning, design, health care, conferencing, accounting, games…. Need Images VIRTUAL OFFICE TRIPLE PLAY Increases Operator ARPU & Customer base Decreases customer’s bill (number & cost) Cable operators already : It, UK, Benelux. Alternative Operator on DSL: Fr OFFERING ALL SERVICES OPTIMISES ECONOMY FOR EVERY ACTOR & FOSTER DEVELOPMENT NEEDS: THROUGHPUT per user: 10Mbps CAPACITY per elementary area*: 1Gbps *typically 20Km² with Households &offices TRENDS & NEEDS
IP access network Enhancer WIRELESS ACCESS SPECTRUM GHz 2.4/ / / Authorised Power WiFi WiMax WiFi5 UWB.. BLR WMS UE. 2W 0,2W 0,1W 0,O1 LOCAL NETWORKS, LIMITED CAPACITY & RANGE, NON REGULATED BAND (interference risk) access network termination use ACCESS NERWORKS : REGULATED BANDS compulsory for prof. PmP Band S Band C Band X Band Ka Bande Q Range & Capacity problem = Power x Bandwidth WiMAX++ Up load Down load
IP access network Enhancer Broad multi uni cast 6 to 40km 2 to 6km NETWORK LAN CIE HOT SPOT TV + Internet + VoIP
IP access network Enhancer BluWan Architecture A powerful multiGbps multimedia downlink Low cost Gbps capability Scalable Multimedia capability Base station relay Multi-Gbps DVB M-41GHz TV/HDTV/VoD/Internet Down TV + Internet + VoIP Splitter WiMAX
IP access network Enhancer BluWan Network Organization (1) BluWan technology cooperates with an IP return path Internet Interactivity Triple play: TV, IP, voice Base station relay Multi-Gbps DVB M-41GHz TV/HDTV/VoD/Internet Down TV + Internet + VoIP Splitter UHF/BIS/3.5GHz BIS V/UHF 3.5GHz (or 10) IP cloud
IP access network Enhancer BluWan Network Organization (2) Réseau de distribution unidirectionel Station de BASE WMS41/10 d’accès Routeur de bord Em. WMS41 PoP ODU BIBANDE Site d’usager Modem 41 GHz Transmission MDS/11Ghz ou TCF 41Ghz & Opale Subscriber Edge Router IP Access network
IP access network Enhancer DEPLOYMENT Main Base station Base Relay 1 Base Relay 2 Example for PARIS suburbs Cable operator NOOS 85K inhabitants 2Gbps CAPACITY
IP access network Enhancer PRAGUE « 1rst circle » HH PoP Backhaul Bases boosters PRAGUE DEPLOYMENT pre Project
IP access network Enhancer Limoges Platform
IP access network Enhancer THALES mm µwaveTECHNOLOGY wave guide strip transition encapsulated MMIC for MSC patch cosecant antenna Lens polyure-ethane antenna Base PA module ODU Waveguide filter :gabarit
IP access network Enhancer The Market Solutions Comparison Joint capabilities
IP access network Enhancer Profit & Loss (before tax) 100K inhabitants P&L in K€ YEARS METRO CITY SUBURB SMALLCITY
IP access network Enhancer Return Path client: two approaches To fit the costs Isolated client PC DVB ingress PCI interface card « IP return path » PCI modem card LAN Client Edge router DVB ingress interface WIMAX Interface IP/PPPoE/Eth interface ADSL modem Cable modem
IP access network Enhancer BluWan is “IP Return Path Agnostic” BluWan access architecture fits any existing IP return paths technology Wimax xDSL ADSL SDSL Cable networks 2.5G/3G mobile networks Pots/ISDN
IP access network Enhancer BluWan Increase IP access performances BluWan technology boosts Available IP access networks No modification of subscribers IP access Accounts Protocols No IP connectivity constraints Full use of IP access return path provisioning Multiply downlink throughputs Up to 40 Mbps Traffic engineering capability
IP access network Enhancer ADSL return Path BluWan technology is the main way to get the best of xDSL capabilities: Overprovision xDSL capabilities From 2 Mbps downlink to up to 40 Mpbs No modification to introduce inside xDSL access architecture Uplink capability follows xDSL technology stage ADSL SDSL VDSL