Questions for Poems By Rebecca K. Fraker, Atlantic Union Teacher Bulletin, Volume 14
What is the title of this poem? What predictions about the content can you make based on the title?
Read the poem orally. What message does this poem convey to you?
What comparisons does the author make? Are any of these similes or metaphors? How are the things compared alike or unalike?
How are the sentences and stanzas connected?
How are the images in the poem described? Give some examples of colorful words and images.
After you read the poem, how does it make you feel? Are you comfortable or uncomfortable with that feeling, and why?
Does the poem change at any point? If so, where and how?
Now that you have read the poem, how is the title connected to the poem?
What is the point of view of the poem? What if the poem was told from another point of view?
What is the tone of the poem?
What is the time period of the poem? Is the poem still relevant today?
What word or phrase caught your interest? What word surprises you, confuses you, or interests you?
What word is most important in this poem? Does any word have multiple meanings? Could you choose a better word? If one word or phrase is removed, does the poem change meaning?
Find out something about the author.
Extension: Compare this poem to other poems by either the same author or other authors. Does this poem remind you of another piece of literature, art, or music?