Danek Dierks
Auto Body Repair I choose this job because I love working on cars and fixing things. My dad works with cars a lot and I get to help him a lot
Description In this job, you fix cars that have been in accidents. You can bump out dents and replace whole parts if you need to
Working Conditions You work hours a week You work in a shop but with mostly open doors for ventilation
Education You will most likely go to a technical university or a trade school You don’t need a degree Mostly on the job training
Job Outlook Good job outlook Always need more people to do the job because people will always get in car accidents
Earnings Starting out, you will make around $40,000 Towards the end of your career, you will make any where from $60,000-$75,000
Uses of Technology Not to much technology use Might use it to keep up on the new models of cars so they know how to fix them
Summary I would like to do this job because it seems like a fun job that would be interesting every day. I would get to work on cars and see how bad people are at driving.
Works Cited olProfile.aspx?LoginID=20e3b33e-710c-427e- a3fd-a df20- &step=step3&INUN_ID= olProfile.aspx?LoginID=20e3b33e-710c-427e- a3fd-a df20- &step=step3&INUN_ID=