International Safety and Security Emergency Action Plan
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Use the following slides to help create an emergency action plan; tailor the plan to your own trip and its unique circumstances! Once the plan is complete, you are welcome to provide a draft copy to the UW-Madison ISSD for review and input (Ron Machoian, Rm 256, Bascom Hall, Prior to travel, leave a copy of your EAP with your program’s primary point of contact at UW-Madison and also with the ISSD so that helping agencies have an idea of where you might go and what you will do in case of an emergency while abroad – ensure that each member of your group has a copy of the plan and understands your intentions in case of emergency!
Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Write a brief step-by-step description of what you will do or what you want members of your group to do in case of a public emergency that deprives you of help and demands that you seek safety or even depart the country – these actions should be addressed in order of priority As an example: 1) attempt communication with each primary point of contact to include the in- country provider and UW-Madison 2) contact US consulate or embassy for advice and directions for refuge or safety 3) contact CISI to ask their advice and help in movement and/or evacuation 4) attempt to move to the US consulate or embassy to remain there until moved to another location or evacuated 5) attempt to move to US Peace Corps regional office in Dakar to seek refuge and support for departure 6) attempt to move to the int’l airport in Dakar to attempt passage to any int’l airport in western or central Europe 7) send texts and/or s notifying points of contact and other groups members of your status and location, my intended movements and updated plans upon arrival at each point
Emergency Rendezvous Points (for each location of more than a night’s duration): Addresses/phone numbers/locations for: US embassy or consulate Airport Bus sta, train/metro sta NGO or agency offices ** include a site’s general location within a city; basic directions; address; any information phone #’s; rally points at each location
Communications Plan: Emergency Services (fire, police, ambulance) US Consulate or Embassy Emergency 24-hr CISI (UW-Madison int’l insurance) In-country host or provider Translator Service Int’l Red Cross Airline on which you intend to depart
Medical and Health Support: Include name, contact phone number, address, and general location within a city for two recommended major hospitals in the country within 1-2 hours drive of your itinerary and capable of providing acute care Include name, location and address of a medical clinic or hospital at each of your overnight locations that can provide care for walk-in medical needs or illnesses Include names, phone numbers and addresses of locations within 1-2 hours of your itinerary of a pharmacy or facility that can provide needed refills of any required medications for members of the group who may lose what they carry
UW-Madison points of contact: (Include phone #’s and addresses) 1)__________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________ 3)__________________________________________________
Others in your UW-Madison Travel Group: (include cell phone #’s and addresses) 1)__________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________ 3)__________________________________________________ 4)__________________________________________________
Third-party Providers or In-country Hosts: (Include cell phone #’s and addresses) 1)__________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________ 3)__________________________________________________