Queen of Peace Catholic School Queen of Peace Catholic School Educates and cares for children as they grow in wisdom, age and grace.
Why Catholic School? “Catholics and particularly the poor have the right to Catholic education” (Huber, 2007) Catholic schools are absolutely “indispensible to the evangelizing mission of the church” (James, 2008, p.481) “From our foundations, Catholic Schools were dedicated to teaching the poor and ethnic immigrant groups” (Litton, 2010, p.351) Catholic schools incorporate promising practices such as community and collaboration with families to help shape students whose actions and decisions may lead to a more ethical and just society.
Statics Gradation Rates greatly increase, especially in families of low socioeconomic status, when their children attend a Catholic School. Catholic schools, because of their supportive learning environment, are “important for low socioeconomic students who are not provided with high levels of social capital from home” (Rangvid, 2008). Interestingly, the study also found that “there is a Catholic school effect on educational attainment, which is not present for protestant schools” when discussing academic gains for low socioeconomic students
Teacher and Staff The teachers and Staff at Queen of Peace are dedicated to educating the whole child and committed to supporting Catholic Education. We have staff from varied backgrounds, many bilingual teachers, teachers with up to 10 years of experience, teachers pursuing masters degrees while teaching full time, and all of our staff strives to teach and love our children with the love of Christ. Our cohesive and supportive teaching culture trickles down into our students lives at schools and helps them feel secure and safe in their learning environment.
Classroom Projects Our students participate in a variety of events; from our Spelling Bee, Science Fair, writing competitions, art contests, and Book It goals. Each teacher is also dedicated to creating hands on and interactive lessons in their classroom to ensure understanding and mastery of material.
School Culture School culture refers to the beliefs, perceptions, relationships, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that shape and influence every aspect of how a school functions. Queen of Peace has a foundation and dedication to the most Holy Mother of Jesus, Mary and is formed around that relationship with love, trust, honesty, hospitality and generosity.
Community Service Queen of Peace has partnered with St. Vincent De Paul to serve those in need in our own community. We are called to reach out and serve and find that it is is giving of our selves that we receive. Queen of Peace strives to create a servant hearted spirit in each of our children as they learn the joy of giving through their experience at our school.
Number of Students Our classroom ratio is about 1teacher for every 10 students. Though this ratio changes from year to year, our focus maintains on quality over quantity. Our students experience the tight knit, family culture of having a personal relationship with each member of their class and with a teacher who knows them well.
Location Queen of Peace is Located right off of Interstate 45. In close proximity to downtown, it makes for a simple drop off and pickup on your work commute. We also also on the same campus as Queen of Peace Catholic Church and attend weekly mass there ,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x8640be70ec14aeed:0x2a47 a18a39c91901!2m2!1d !2d
Additional Resources We also offer before and after school care, as well as a verity of extra curricular groups such as volleyball, basketball, National Student Council, National Junior Honor Society, Newman Club, and BALM.
Permeated with the Love of Jesus The religious environment is one of the biggest draws many have to a Catholic School. When you enter Queen of Peace you can sense the love and peace that reside there. From the interactions of the staff to the care that the students show for each other, Jesus’s love is truly present. The support and care necessary for educational, emotional and relational success are imbedded into our school culture. This loving and welcoming environment, during a child's key developmental and transitional stages of life, can make a lasting difference and positive impact.
Financial Assistance Many of our families receive financial assistance from the archdiocese to keep our schools affordable and available. Please visit this website to check your eligibility ns/financial-aid ns/financial-aid We also participate in a variety of fundraisers throughout the year such as Fall and Spring Festival, Community Dinners and Steps for Students. This allows children and family an opportunity to support Catholic Education.
How to Register Thank you for considering partnering with Queen of Peace Catholic School for the education of your children. Please visit our website for more information and for our application forms. ssions/how-to-apply ssions/how-to-apply
Thank you!
Resources Huber, J. B. (2007). The Accessibility of American Catholic Secondary Schools to the Various Socioeconomic Classes of Catholic Families. Catholic Education: A Journal Of Inquiry And Practice, 10(3), Frazier, D., Kroll, R. J., & Boetticher, J. M. (2007). Responses from the Field. Catholic Education: A Journal Of Inquiry And Practice, 10(3), James, J. T., Tichy, K. L., Collins, A., & Schwob, J. (2008). Developing a Predictive Metric to Assess School Viability. Catholic Education: A Journal Of Inquiry And Practice, 11(4), Catterall, J. S., & Levin, H. M. (1982). Public and Private Schools: Evidence on Tuition Tax Credits. Sociology Of Education, 55(2-3), What Works Clearinghouse, (. (2012). What Works Clearinghouse Quick Review: "The Effects of School Vouchers on College Enrollment: Experimental Evidence from New York City". What Works Clearinghouse Hughes, C., Stenhjem, P. H., & Newkirk, R. (2007). Poverty, Race and Youth: Challenges and Promising Practices in Education. International Journal On School Disaffection, 5(1), Tooley, J. (2005). Private Schools for the Poor: Education Where No One Expects It. Education Next, 5(4), Litton, E. F., Martin, S. P., Higareda, I., & Mendoza, J. A. (2010). The Promise of Catholic Schools for Educating the Future of Los Angeles. Catholic Education: A Journal Of