Character is…
‘Good Sport’ checklist GoodBad 1.Plays according to the rules.Breaks some. 2.Respects the players/ opponents.Disrespects through actions or words. 3. Acknowledges opponents with hand- shake and/or verbal ‘good game’ gesture. Displays rude or inappropriate behaviors after the game. 4. Handles winning and/or losing appropriately and displays little or no emotion towards opponents. Taunts, trash-talk, pouting, arguing, not shaking hands.
Game Play: Boundaries lesson 2 I can play within and explain the importance for boundaries in games. I can follow rules for small group or team games.
Boundaries Boundaries are everywhere and they are created in sports, games, and everyday living. But why are boundaries needed?
Why? Boundaries keep us safe
Why? Boundaries identify space (distance, range, or areas). What is appropriate and/or inappropriate.
What is this?
Guardrails are boundary markers
Boundaries Boundaries help establish rules for fair play.
Lets’ look at boundaries for games Boundaries help the game’s objectives ( Score a certain amount of points). Boundaries keep time (starting and stopping).
Boundaries show us.. where we can go and can’t go in games and in life.. (communication)
Task-Exit Slip In each of the 3 stations there are boundaries. Your task is to identify in bounds and out of bounds as a part of your rules. Perform/play the games according to boundaries and rules established. Did boundaries determine the outcomes (importance) of any of the games? (ball or player that was in or out of bounds)
Exit Rubric Demonstrated proper play according to boundaries and was able to explain the importance of boundaries. Did not demo and was unclear on importance.