Mathematics The Universal Language
The globally competent student Has a diverse and knowledgeable world view Understands the international dimensions of his/her major field of study. Communicates effectively cross-culturally
A diverse and knowledgeable world view Students have the opportunity to interact with students from different cultures and different countries in the classroom, on the campus and at school events. World events of immediate importance may be discussed before or after classes. Students will become aware of the diverse contributions of the science of mathematics that have been made world wide by the inclusion of historical references to its origins. Students will become aware from culture to culture of the differences in application different countries. Such difference will include but not be limited to measurement, the metric system vs the English system.
Understands the international dimensions of his/her major field of study The faculty member may include content of international significance. An example of this might be the use of the metric system or the history of mathematics and its origins. The inclusion of educational philosophies in different countries and how a student might be taught in countries other than his own.
Communicates effectively cross-culturally The faculty member must become educated in the diverse differences in cultures and understand both verbal and nonverbal observances among cultures. The faculty might travel abroad to experience different cultures and languages. The faculty member will be sensitive to different cultures and individuals behaving respectful of the dignity and worth of the individual.