GaCounts: Standard CEU Programs February 4 & 25, 2009 Marcie Simpson Accountability Coordinator
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Content Questions... Send your questions via chat. We’ll compile them and answer them at the end of the session. Don’t forget that technical issues are sent via private chat to Robin Lunsford.
Sticky Notes Question will be here (submitted by)
What is a Standard CEU Program? 1.Program must be one hour in length even if you are reporting less than an hour for your teaching time. A. School programs less than one hour qualify because they are a part of an overall school day program that is much longer than one hour. B. School Club Meetings qualify as Standard CEU Programs but should be recorded under the 'Club Meeting' delivery method instead of 'Standard CEU Program.’ 2.Program must be planned to meet the educational needs of the group utilizing sound educational practices. Plan must include an evaluation component. 3.Program must be an Extension sponsored event.
Standard CEU Program – Cont. 4.Program must have an individual registration procedure, with the registration list kept on file in the county office. 5.A file of program materials, including a summary of evaluations (if appropriate) and a registration list of participants must be kept on file for 3 years. A. These files are subject to audit by UGA and Board of Regents officials. B. Program materials may include, but are not limited to: printed programs, agendas, lesson plans, written descriptions of the materials taught, promotional items, handouts, etc. C. Consider this file your program archive.
What is a “Presentation”? A formal educational program that is missing one or more of the major criteria for a Standard CEU Program. Work toward turning programs that would fall into the “presentation” report types into “standard CEU program” report types.
Creating a New Report (Standard CEU Program Reports Help Sheet, Page 4, Screenshot A)
Creating a New Report Select one maybe two program areas.
Select the county where the event took place. For state 4-H events select your home county. Program area determines topics and topics determine the keywords. A spreadsheet of these topics and keywords is available on the help screen. (Standard CEU Program Reports Help Sheet, Page 5, Screenshot B)
Select only one report type! The only possible exceptions are: 1. Media produced and distributed 2. Office and Onsite Consult Once you click ‘Continue’ a report is created – even if everything else is left blank.
More Data Entry (Standard CEU Program Reports Help Sheet, Page 5, Screenshot C) Roles – select all the roles you engaged in. Keywords – select as appropriate to identify the unique qualities of the program. Target Audience – report individuals in the ONE, most relevant target audience for the reported program. Demographics – due diligence is required in regards to collecting demographic data. Totals may be higher than face to face since individuals may have multiple races. Report what you are given or surveyed in the room.
Hours of Instruction by CAES/FACS State Faculty CAES Specialists no longer report hours against GaCounts reports. State faculty are using the University of Georgia Faculty Activity Repository. FACS can collaborate with state faculty because they are using both systems. Collaborators are entered after report is submitted.
Capturing Instructional Hours Non-CAES/Extension Personnel CAES/FACS State Faculty
Supplemental Data Number of sessions held. For example, group met for 3 hours twice a week for 4 weeks = 8 sessions. Total length of program is the number of hours the group met – to include instruction, breaks, lunches, welcomes, etc. The above example is 24 hours in length.
Supplemental Data Total Adult Volunteers – 4-H reports will include youth volunteers. Total Volunteer Hours – volunteer time for this program. In Kind Support – donation of equipment, space, supplies, etc. Funds Donated Keep in mind that all these items are specific to the program being reported.
4-H Supplemental Data
FACS Supplemental Data
ANR Supplemental Data
Capturing Your Instructional Hours If you leave ‘your’ instructional hours blank, your activity report and reports to others will show ZERO educational contact hours. These fields are found just below ‘Supplemental Data’
Recording Hours and Sessions 20 people 5 hour workshop, no break out groups I provided 1 hour of instruction CAES specialist provided 3 hours of instruction 1 hour lunch
Why didn’t I report 5 hours for me and 5 hours for the other instructor? After all we were both in the room for 5 hours! Waiting for a volunteer from the cyber audience. Raise your hand and we’ll find out why!
Describe this scenario Any Volunteers?
Which activity below is a standard program? Six Hour Fair Exhibit Family Financial Planning Seminar 4-H Awards Banquet Two Hour onsite farm visit
Adding Collaborators (Standard CEU Program Reports Help Sheet, Page 6, Screenshot D) Select ‘edit’ next to Collaborator(s).
Adding Collaborators, Cont.
Add as many collaborators as appropriate. Click ‘submit changes’ to save the collaborators into the report.
General Notes... Reporting hours in decimal format 30 minutes is.5 15 minutes is.25 45 minutes is.75 Educational Contact Hours = Participants X Hours of Instruction
Deleting a Report (or edit from section edit link) Click ‘Edit’ in report view Click ‘Delete’ just below report title details You will be asked to confirm deletion.