Teachers & Stress Unmet needs of students Class composition Size of workload Attitude of provincial government Inclusion of students with special needs (Kuehn, 1993)
TEACHERS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA In cases of disability lasting over 20 days, 36% of those are contributed to psychological disorders with a strong link to stressful work environments. (Tataryn et al., 1998) BC teachers report the highest levels of stress on the job compared with any other province. (King & Peart, 1992) BC – 21% PEI – 11%
STRESSED STUDENTS Young ChildrenPre-Teens, Teens, Young Adults Disrupted homes, blended families, both parents working outside the home Increased exposure to violence, both real and on the screen Excessive screen time Being over scheduled Feeling pressured to perform or behave beyond their ability (Witkin, KidStress, 1999) Failing an exam Physical appearance Judgment or evaluation by others Unrealistic classroom demands The future Problems with peers Problems with a boyfriend or girlfriend Any situation that threatens self- esteem Disagreements with teachers, parents or other adults (Feinstein, Secrets of the Teenage Brain, 2004)
"I can't never do the part with the take-away numbers. I did all the problems real fast and she put big red X's on them and said I wasn't trying. And I started crying inside but I couldn't because they would all see." (8-year-old) (Allen & Klein, Ready-Set Relax, 1996)
CHRONIC DI-STRESS When we are constantly in "fight or flight" mode - the body goes into overdrive. Our overall health suffers.
How it Works Pre-fontal cortex receives message Right and left work together to form a response Poor right-left connection results in limbic system response “Fight or flight” Loss of rational thought, poor decision making, long-term memory loss, inability to retain information, defensive behaviour
Yoga "Yoga has a sly, clever way of short-circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety." Baxter Bell, quoted in "Worry Thwarts," Yoga Journal, March 2006