Tomasz Ladzinski GS/ASE
LASS Annual Maintenance & Tests General Principles Each winter shutdown preventive maintenance of EIS takes place. It is followed by an annual proof test of the correct acquisition/distribution of all I/O signals from/to EIS-access - normative requirement to detect latent errors DSO Test is the final stage of the access safety system validation before the beam permit is signed. No more interventions in the LASS racks until the next shutdown. Organisational Constraints In the LHC during winter shutdowns the DSO Test is the only moment when the full sensor-logic-actuator chain can be tested. During the DSO Tests all EIS-beam/machine are tested, but only a representative sample of EIS-access is used. On average around 15 intrusions are triggered in 1 day. 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms:
Overview of major LS1 Modifications 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms: Task NameWhereDescriptionECR Sectorisation Changes TI2Displacement of Door PPG2145 separating the LHC and the SPS in TI2 tunnel LHC1Displacement of PADs from UJ14/16 to UL14/ LHC4Displacement of PAD UX USC55Creation End-of-Zone Door for Material Transfer Between USC55 and the Bypass Interlocking PM32PM/TZ32Creation of an Interlocked Service Zone PM Access Point Maintenance Doors LHCLACS/LASS Top of the Pit Maintenance Doors New Radiation VetoLHC2,6,8New Radiation Vetoes for the Injection Lines and Beam Dump Transfer Galleries Monitoring of Helium Conf. Doors in LASS TI2/TI8Interlocking of Injection Tunnel Upstream Areas with LHC Powering LHCMonitoring of pressure resistant doors in LASS Access – Powering Interlock CCR, LHCChange of the Interlocking of Powering and Access systems Monitoring of Doors Important for Control of Activated Air US32/US76Add the following ventilation doors to LASS: YCPV01=US32, YCPV01=US UP53Add the following ventilation door to LASS: YCPV01=UP53 LHC2,4,6,8Monitor the ventilation doors between Service and Tunnel areas in even points Point 7 CollimationLHC7LHC Point-7 Collimator Region Enclosure and Ventilation Bypass Upgrade of LASS IT Infrastructure CCC/CCRExchange of LASS servers and client computers, upgrade of Siemens PCS7 LACSCCCNew tool for video, TIM views replace Evolynx LASS ones, upgrade from XP
LS1 Testing Strategy For the non-modified parts of the system, the general testing strategy is the same as for a standard winter shutdown. New safety functions, new EIS etc. require systematic sensor-logic-actuator tests, as was the case in Validating the modifications related to securing the Powering Phase II (major modification that needs to be operational in August 2014): 1. All software tested in the lab prior to deployment 2. Sensor-Logic chain tested on site (annual proof test) 3. 5 days allocated to the test of the safety functions Conducting this series of tests will made yet another round of EIS-a position signal acquisition tests. 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms:
Access Powering Interlock Test Objective In access mode verify that: 1. a sign of human presence as detected by EIS-access (patrol lost, door opened, restricted key taken); 2. opening of a pressure resistant door; sends a signal to the PIC controller. Schedule 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms: Friday 6 June LHC8-LHC1-TI8 (ECX4,TAG42) powering of sector 8-1 Friday 13 June LHC6-LHC7-LHC8 powering of sectors 6-7 & 7-8 Friday 20 June LHC1/1.8-LHC2-TI2 (SPS also) powering of sector 1-2 Friday 4 July LHC2-LHC3-LHC4 powering of sectors 2-3 & 3-4 Friday 25 July LHC4-LHC5-LHC6 powering of sectors 4-5 & 5-6 Access only for GS/ASE to Tunnel and Service Zones Will be patrolled the evening before – restricted mode! Partial DSO Tests
Testing Remaining New Functionalities Local access constraints: Functional Test of Collimation Region Doors in LHC7 (needs nominal ventilation) Functional Test of new interlocked access zone PM32 Functional Tests LHC4 Tunnel - Electron Stoppers ‘out-of-chain’ enhancements Apply/remove new Radiation Vetoes in Injection and Beam Dump Tunnels LHC-wide access constraints (NO ACCESS / BEAM mode): Intrusion in beam mode for all EIS-access that have been moved or introduced (UL14/16 AP; UX451 AP+ EoZ door; Ventilation doors in US32, US76, UP53; EoZ doors USC55, UJ561, TI2) Maintenance Door Tests Interlocked barrier at the maintenance door level PLC and Cabled Loop (including the staircase doors) Check the functionality of the door Simulate access point maintenance in Beam mode SPS Shutdown Key (additional constraint – SPS Chain 1 interlocked) Connection/disconnection of LHC BIW – exhaustive tests of ‘interlock barrier degradation’ (access blocked & BIW sirens) SPS Magnet Patrol signal acquisition by LASS Latch of the cabled loop 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms:
LASS Modification Cycle – Full V&V 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms: June-July, LHC Access Blocked 2-3/8 EIS-access put back in chain EIS-beam/machine in chain in September Weekend 4-5 Oct., LHC Access Blocked EIS-beam/machine in chain Weekend 4-5 Oct, LHC Access Blocked LASS in nominal configuration Weekend Oct, LHC Access Blocked LASS in nominal configuration
Conclusions Many access modifications during LS1 – implementation well on track. Powering-Interlock Tests in June-July to: 1. validate the correct functioning of the access-powering interlock 2. validate the patrol and EIS-access position signals DSO Test dates requested in March: Weekend 4/5 October Weekend 11/12 October - backup Both dates should in principle be free in the schedule and after analysis of the validation needs the plan is to use them as follows: Weekend 4/5 October – Beam Mode Tests by GS/ASE (exhaustive test for new equipment/functions) Weekend 11/12 October – the DSO Test (sampling) 22/05/ Sector Test Meeting T.Ladzinski GS/ASE - edms: