990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.1 Management Overview Dr. George A. Doschek EIS US Principal Investigator Naval Research Laboratory Phone: 202-767-3527, FAX: 202-404-7997.


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Presentation transcript:

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.1 Management Overview Dr. George A. Doschek EIS US Principal Investigator Naval Research Laboratory Phone: , FAX:

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.2 EIS Organization Dr. Tetsuya Watanabe (NAOJ) - Japanese Principal Investigator Dr. Hirohisa Hara (NAOJ) - Secretariat Prof. J. Leonard Culhane (MSSL) - Instrument Principal Investigator Dr. Matthew Whyndham (MSSL) - Project Manager Dr. George A. Doschek (NRL) - Principal Investigator to NASA Dr. Clarence M. Korendyke (NRL) - US Project Scientist Mr. Steven Myers (CPI/NRL) - US Project Manager

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.3 EIS Organization Chart ISAS T. Kosugi NAOJ T. Watanabe H. Hara PPARC GSFC STP MSFC L. Hill NRL G.A. Doschek C.M. Korendyke GSFC J.M. Davila MSSL J.L. Culhane M. Whyndham RAL J. Lang UB G.M. Simnett NASA HQ

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.4 The US EIS Investigation Team (1 of 2) Dr. George A. Doschek (NRL) –Principal Investigator to NASA Solar Physics/Spectroscopy/Atomic Physics –Hardware Experience: Yohkoh (BCS), DoD P78-1 (SOLFLEX) –Management Experience: Head, Solar Terrestrial Relationships Branch Dr. Charles M. Brown (NRL) –Instrument Scientist –X-Ray/EUV/UV Spectroscopic Instrumentation and Engineering –Hardware Experience: Yohkoh (BCS), DoD STP (MAHRSI), Laser-Plasma Laboratory Imaging/Spectroscopy Dr. Joseph M. Davila (GSFC) –GSFC Mission Scientist –Solar Physics/Solar Spectroscopy and Imaging Instrumentation –Hardware Experience: NASA SERTS Rockets, CCD Space Detectors, SOHO CDS Dr. Kenneth P. Dere (NRL) –NRL Mission Scientist –Solar Physics/Spectroscopy/Atomic Physics –Hardware Experience: SOHO (LASCO and EIT), NASA HRTS Rockets

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.5 The US EIS Investigation Team (2 of 2) Dr. Clarence M. Korendyke (NRL) –Project Scientist –Solar Spectroscopy/EUV, UV, and White Light Solar Space Instrumentation and Engineering –Hardware Experience: SOHO (LASCO and EIT), NASA HRTS and VAULT Rockets Dr. John T. Mariska (NRL) –Data Coordination Scientist –Solar Physics/Spectroscopy/Atomic Physics/Data Analysis Software –Hardware Experience: Yohkoh (BCS), NASA/NRL TASSII Program, Computer Systems Management Mr. Steven H. Myers (CPI/NRL) –Project Manager –Engineering/Science Program Management –Hardware Experience: Program Manager, Radio Plasma Imager on NASA IMAGE Spacecraft, Program Manager for Design, Manufacture, and Deployment of Groundbased Ionospheric HF Radar Systems Dr. John F. Seely (NRL) –Optical Coating and Calibration Scientist –Laboratory X-Ray/EUV/UV Spectroscopic Imaging Instrumentation –Hardware Experience: Laser-Plasma Spectroscopic Imaging Experiments (US Fusion Program)

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.6 Solar Space Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory First High Spectral Resolution UV and EUV Observations of the Sun: Rocket Spectroscopy First X-Ray Image of the Sun: Pinhole Camera on a Rocket First Coronagraph Flown in Space: Rocket Coronagraph Moderate Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy: OSO-4 and OSO-6 First Orbiting Spacecraft Coronagraph: OSO-7 First High Resolution and High Quality X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flares: P78-1 Spacecraft (Backup OSO-7) SOLWIND Coronagraph: P78-1 Spacecraft High Resolution UV/EUV Slit and Imaging Spectroscopy: Skylab First High Spectral and Spatial Resolution UV Spectrum: HRTS Rocket Program, Spacelab 2 BCS X-Ray Spectrometer: Yohkoh (Solar-A) LASCO Coronagraph and EIT Telescope: SOHO Highest UV Spatial Resolution Observations Yet Obtained: VAULT Rocket Program

990901EIS_RR_Mgmt_OV.7 Solar Space Physics at the Goddard Space Flight Center Precision EUV Wavelengths: Rocket Spectroscopy First Spectral Observations of Solar Activity in the EUV: OSO Program First Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra: OSO-3, OSO-5 The Only Solar Flare Spectral Observations in the EUV Near 100 Å: OSO-5 High Energy Solar Flare Wide-band Spectroscopy: OSO-5 EUV Imaging/Spectroscopy: OSO-7 UVSP Imaging Spectrometer: SMM CDS EUV Spectrometer: SOHO EUV Imaging/Spectroscopy: SERTS Rocket Program High Energy Solar Flare Wide-Band Spectroscopy: HESSI