Taoist Tai Chi Health of Mind and Body “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.”


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Presentation transcript:

Taoist Tai Chi Health of Mind and Body “Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.” -Bruce Lee

Philosophy  People are innately good  Nature causes people to become self- centered and acquire bad habits  Tai chi aims to “eliminate these weaknesses so that our original nature of goodness can again shine brightly, guiding our thoughts and actions.”  Promotes virtues of compassion and service to others

Panter, John & Rick Davis: The Art of Taoist Tai Chi - Cultivating Mind and Body, Second Edition 1992, The Philosophy of Taoist Tai Chi: Cultivating Body and Mind by Karen Laughlin & Eva Wong, pages Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada,  It is not easy to achieve the state of emptiness or stillness in the midst of today’s busy and complex lifestyle. To achieve stillness and yet be involved and active is even more difficult. Practicing Taoist Tai Chi fosters stillness since the focused concentration required to do the Tai Chi set (and developed in learning it) occupies the mind, drawing it away from daily worries and tensions. Learning to quiet the mind, even while moving through the Tai Chi set, lays a foundation for integrating the principle of stillness— and the recognition of our original nature—into our daily lives.

Form Principles  45 Degree Angle Step  Usually front foot straight and back foot at 45 degrees outward  Can be stepping out at 45 degrees before squaring hips  Positioning the Front Knee  The knee should not extend beyond the toes to prevent injury  Squaring the hips  At the end of a movement, the hips should be in line with the front “straight” foot  Weight placement  There should be a straight line from the top of the head to the heel of the rear foot in all forward positions  Equal and Opposite Forces  A push with one hand is balanced with an equal push with the other hand

Foundation  There are 108 moves to learn  This can take 99 years to master! But keep trying.  Basic moves are flowing – imagine Tae Kwon-Do slowed down and gentle  Moves often follow things in nature – animals, plants, etc.

10 Principles - set forth by Yang Chengfu  The head is kept upright in a relaxed way  Chest is loose, never pushed forward  The waist is loose and relaxed  Distinguish between “solid” and empty”  Shoulders and elbows are down  Use the mind/will to move, not physical strength  Upper and lower body are coordinated  Internal and external are unified. Mind and body function together.  Movement is continuous and coordinated with the breath.  Seek tranquility in the movement.