Also known as: Dapper Don, Teflon Don, Johnny Boy “I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”
A mafia is a type of organized crime syndicate whose primary activities are protection racketeering, the arbitration of disputes between criminals, and the organizing and oversight of illegal agreements and transactions.[1] Secondary activities may be practiced such as drug- trafficking, loan sharking and fraud.
Religion Roman Catholic Born on 27 October 1940 AD Famous 27th October Birthdays Zodiac Sign Scorpio Scorpio Men- have a tendency to be more violent not that if you are born a scorpion you will be a killer Born in The Bronx, New York City, United States Died on 10 June 2002 AD Place of death Springfield, Missouri, United States
Between 1957 and 1961, Gotti pursued a life of crime on a full-time basis. His arrest record included street fighting, public intoxication, and car theft. By his 21st birthday, Gotti had been arrested five times, but served little jail time. On March 6, 1962, Gotti married 17-year-old Victoria DiGiorgio. At the time of their marriage, DiGiorgio had already given birth to their first child, Angela, and was pregnant with their second. In the early years of their marriage, the couple fought constantly and separated numerous times. Gotti briefly tried his hand at legitimate jobs for the sake of his family: first, as a presser in a coat factory, and then as an assistant to a truck driver. His crime-free life was brief, however, and Gotti was jailed twice by When he and his family made the move to Ozone Park in Queens, New York, the budding criminal quickly became a major player in the Gambino hijacking crew. In 1968, Gotti served his first major sentence when the FBI charged he and his two accomplices with committing cargo thefts near John F. Kennedy Airport. All three men were convicted of hijacking and sentenced to three years in prison. While Gotti served his time, the Fatico crew moved from East New York to a storefront near Gotti's home in Queens. The group's headquarters was disguised as a non-profit organization called the Bergin Hunt and Fish Club. After his release from prison in 1971, Gotti was designated as the temporary leader of Fatico's gang while the captain faced loan-sharking charges.
Gotti soon became the leader of a gang called the Fulton-Rockaway boys, a group known for their frequent robberies and car-jackings. When he was 14, Gotti's toes were crushed as he tried to steal a cement mixer. The accident gave the mobster-to- be his trademark gait, and earned him another incident on his list of petty crimes. He was considered a bully and constant discipline problem at Franklin K. Lane High School until he dropped out at 16. By the age of 18, the police department ranked Gotti as a low-level associate in the Fatico crew.
Text messages Phone Calls Witnesses
Gotti Sentenced to Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole