Digital Design Group Denver, Colorado (303) BIA 10 th Annual Indian Energy & Minerals Conference Osage Nation Environmental & Natural Resources Department Department of Energy National Petroleum Technology Office
Implementation of Information Technology by the Osage Nation Environmental & Natural Resources Department Digital Design Group Osage Mineral Reserve 1,479,000 Mineral Acres 40,000 Recorded Wells 18,000 Active Wells 2,700 UIC Wells 700 Operators
Players Osage Tribe - Environmental & Natural Resources Department DOE - NPTO BIA - Osage Agency US EPA - Region 6 (Dallas) University of Oklahoma - NRIS Ground Water Protection Council - RBDMS Oklahoma Conservation Commission Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Existing Systems & Data MMS does not manage Osage minerals! BIA Osage Agency has a system to manage Leasing and Royalty Accounting functions and data. BIA does not have an electronic database of Well Records. OU - NRIS has entered all Osage well completion reports into their system. EPA maintains basic data on UIC Wells, Inspections, and MIT’s. Map Coverages are available from OU and the OK Conservation Commission. Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Objectives Implement an automated system that will integrate data on Production Wells, UIC Permits, UIC Wells, UIC Inspections, and Water Quality into a single comprehensive database. Implement a GIS that will attach to and utilize the well, permit, inspection, and water quality tables. Maximize use of existing production well, UIC, and GIS software and data. Use common PC hardware and system software to minimize costs and facilitate ease of use. Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
System Benefits A comprehensive system database will permit reports combining data currently stored in many disparate systems. Expedite processing of permits by using an online database of wells, inspections, and MIT’s GIS will provide maps for planning and analysis. Field Inspector notebook computers will contain complete and current data on Wells, MIT’s, and Inspections Facilitate analysis of relationships between Water Quality and UIC Operations. Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Primary Database Tables UIC Permits and Permit History UIC Wells Production Wells Plugging Reports Area-of-Review Studies (AOR’s) UIC Inspections Mechanical Integrity Tests (MIT’s) Incidents & Complaints Enforcement & Compliance Data Monthly Injection Volumes & Pressures Water Quality Operators Oil Fields, Waterfloods, & Geologic Formations Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Primary GIS Coverages Public Land Survey System Grid (PLSS) Digitized Ortho Quads - 1 Meter Resolution Digitized Raster Graphics (USGS Quad Sheets) Oil & Gas Well Locations Roads Topography Hydrography Drainage Basin Boundaries Water Well Locations Wellhead Protection Areas Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Permitted Well Locations Overlaid on DOQ
Hardware and System Software Intel PC Clients and Server Notebook Computers for Field Inspectors Windows NT/2000 Operating System Microsoft Access DBMS Intel GIS Workstation ESRI ArcView GIS ArcExplorer Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Incorporate: UIC Field Inspection Module Designed by Ben Stone, New Mexico OCD Automatic Scheduling of Well Inspections Automate Operator Notice-of-Inspection Letters Reduce work for Inspectors to enter data in the field Automatic uploading of inspection data from Inspector notebooks to central office systems Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group
Automated Inspection Scheduling Office Procedures The Scheduler Module creates a table of all wells with upcoming MIT’s. Synchronize Inspections of other wells in the area. Each well is assigned to an Inspector for a specified Inspection Date and Time. Print Notice-of Inspection Letters for Operators. Print Inspection Schedules for Inspectors. Create diskette of Upcoming Inspections to be loaded on Inspector notebooks. Digital Design Group Osage Information Technology
Automated Inspection Scheduling Field Inspector Procedures 1 - Load Inspection Schedule from Diskette. 2 - Inspect Wells and enter results of inspections directly into notebooks. 3 - Create diskette of completed inspections for uploads to the central office systems. Osage Information Technology Digital Design Group