Snow disaster A King Edward’s School PowerPoint By: Oliver Hobbs and Michael Proskuryakov
Snow can be fun Snowball fights Sledging Snowmen
But it can be very bad Imagine that you are in school and then it starts to snow, you will be happy until you realise that the power gets cut, roads and trains will be closed and there will be no way to go home. This video will show what I, Oliver Hobbs and my friend Michael Proskuryakov will do in this big of an emergency.
Communication Imagine that we can’t get out of school because snow is blocking our way. Telephones, internet and mail will likely be gone. It would be a good idea to have megaphones, walkie- talkies or other devices that use batteries and are not part of any public networks. Megaphones would help, in case there’s someone in the vicinity and you need them to find you. Walkie- talkies would help members of staff to communicate between each other.
Power The city power will probably be cut out. We can use a backup generator, but that power won’t last long. We may install solar panels. Furthermore, we can’t waste. We should focus all of our power on one place, say, the dining hall. Everybody will spend the night there, and there will be heating only in there. This will not only save energy, but it will concentrate all people into one place, so everyone would be accounted for. Bed sheets could be put on the floor so people could sleep.
Living quarters Either the dining hall or the sports hall could do well as a place for everyone to sleep. The dining hall would probably be the better choice of the two, since it loses less heat, but if there isn’t enough space in it, we might have to also use the sports hall. Everybody would get a set of bedding and would have to put it on the floor. People would have to keep warm simply by staying under the blankets, though the heating could be turned on for brief periods of time.
Supplies Some scouts, likely members of staff could be asked to head onto the school forest and get firewood for a bonfire. Survival supplies could be salvaged from the science school and medical centre. The school has portable trangia stoves, as well as gas canisters, which might come in handy.
Food and water The school keeps only two day’s worth of food, which will obviously not be enough in the case that we’re stuck in school for a week or more. Perhaps the school can keep loads of non- perishables in a special storage area. We might need to deal rations, since there will be so little food. We could melt snow with a bonfire or a trangia and filter the water with wadding or paper.
Medicine and Hygiene Some people might be ill, so we can either get supplies from the medical centre, or keep it open. For bathrooms, we might need to dig a pit and fill it back in once the we’ve been rescued. People will be asked to wash their hands often, since this is a time of many diseases. Once again, we’ll get the water by melting snow.
Conclusion Let’s Just hope this never happens to us at all, but in case it does… well, that’s why we made this slideshow. It just presents some ideas that might be useful to the school. This is to the benefit of King Edwards and so many other schools. We hope you enjoyed this production of Snow Disaster by Oliver Hobbs and Michael Proskuryakov, copyright 2013 King Edwards School, Inc.