Chastity Education Test Yourself Take this fertility quiz to see what you know.. Write “true: if the statement is correct and “false” if it is wrong. Place.


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Presentation transcript:

Chastity Education Test Yourself Take this fertility quiz to see what you know.. Write “true: if the statement is correct and “false” if it is wrong. Place a question mark “?” by the statement if you took a guess.

 1. Menstruation is the most important event in a woman’s menstrual (reproductive) cycle.  2. In most women, menstruation occurs every 28 days.  3. A woman is born with all the ova|(eggs) she will ever have.  4. Sperm need cervical mucus more than two or three hours.

 5. Genital intercourse can bring about ovulation in women.  6. Pregnancy can occur without the couple having full genital intercourse  7. A woman cannot become pregnant the first time she has genital intercourse.  8. Usually, one ovum (egg) will ovulate during a woman’s menstrual cycle.  9. Ovulation occurs on only one day in each menstrual cycle.

 10. Ovulation is the release of an ovum (egg) from the ovary.  11. Men develop thousands of new sperm cells every day.  12. Women are fertile because they can have babies; therefore, men are not fertile.  13. A women can get pregnant anytime she has genital intercourse during the menstrual cycle.  14. Ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of each menstrual cycle.  15. The reproductive hormones in men are secreted at almost constant levels from puberty to death.

 16. Life begins when the baby is implanted in the uterus.  17. Menstrual cycle and menstrual period have the same meaning.  18. The sex of the baby is determined by the sex chromosomes in the mother’s egg.  19. Fertilization occurs when the sperm penetrates the ovum.  20. Conception takes place in the ovary.

Answers  1. Menstruation is the most important event in a woman’s menstrual (reproductive) cycle.

 FALSE The purpose of the menstrual cycle is to release an ovum (egg) from one of the ovaries; therefore, ovulation is the most important event of the menstrual cycle.

 2. In most women, menstruation occurs every 28 days.

 False The length of the menstrual cycle of most women is irregular. Menstrual cycles from days in length are considered to be within normal limits.

 3. A woman is born with all the ova|(eggs) she will ever have.

 True A baby girl’s ovaries have about 1-2 million egg when she is born. That is all she will ever have; she will not develop any more eggs.

 4. Sperm need cervical mucus more than two or three hours.

 True The type of mucus which is secreted from the cervix during the fertile phase of a woman's menstrual cycle guides the sperm into the cervix and also nourishes and prolongs the life of sperm cells.

 5. Genital intercourse can bring about ovulation in women.

 False  Mating produces ovulation in some animals (rabbits for example) but intercourse does not cause ovulation in women.

 6. Pregnancy can occur without the couple having full genital intercourse

 True Pregnancy can occur from contact of male and female genital organs without “going all the way” during the fertile phase of a woman’s cycle. The first few drops of fluid from the erect penis has the highest concentration of sperm.

 7. A woman cannot become pregnant the first time she has genital intercourse.

 False If a woman is in the fertile phase of her cycle pregnancy can occur when she has genital intercourse or even first genital contact.

 8. Usually, one ovum (egg) will ovulate during a woman’s menstrual cycle.

 True If more than one egg ovulates, both eggs will ovulate within the same twenty-four hour period, because ovulation is precisely controlled by the hormones. Non-identical twins are produced when two eggs are fertilized in the same menstrual period.

 9. Ovulation occurs on only one day in each menstrual cycle.

 True A woman does not ovulate today and then again a week later in the same menstrual cycle. Her reproductive hormones prevent this from happening.

 10. Ovulation is the release of an ovum (egg) from the ovary.

 True When the egg is released from the ovary, it enters the fallopian tube where fertilization can occur if sperm are present.

 11. Men develop thousands of new sperm cells every day.

 True Men normally develop thousands of sperm everyday from puberty to death.

 12. Women are fertile because they can have babies; therefore, men are not fertile.

 12. False Normally men are always fertile because they are constantly developing sperm. Therefore, they are capable of causing a pregnancy with every act of genital intercourse.

 13. A women can get pregnant anytime she has genital intercourse during the menstrual cycle.

 False A woman can become pregnant only during her fertile phase. However, the fertile phase can begin almost anytime during the menstrual cycle.

 14. Ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of each menstrual cycle.

 False Ovulation occurs approximately two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding, no matter what the length of the cycle may be.

 15. The reproductive hormones in men are secreted at almost constant levels from puberty to death.

 True In men, the hormones from the pituitary gland and the testes are secreted at a relatively constant level from puberty to death.

 16. Life beings when the baby is implanted in the uterus.

 False Life beings when sperm and ovum unite at fertilization in the fallopian tube. This is known as conception.

 17. Menstrual cycle and menstrual period have the same meaning.

 False The menstrual cycle begins the first day of menstrual bleeding and ends the day before the menstrual bleed begins. The menstrual period is the menstrual bleeding

 18. The sex of the baby is determined by the sex chromosomes in the mother’s egg.

 False The sex of the baby is determined by the sex chromosomes of the sperm which penetrates the ovum. If it is a sperm with an “X” sperm chromosome, the baby will be a girl. If it is a sperm with a “Y” sex chromosome, the baby will be a boy. All ova (eggs) have only “x” chromosomes.

 19. Fertilization occurs when the sperm penetrates the ovum.

 True Life begins when an egg is fertilized by a sperm. All human beings began life in this manner.

 20. Conception takes place in the ovary.

 False Conception(fertilization) normally takers place in the outer portion of the fallopian tube.