Christian Ethics A, 1. What is Christian ethics? “a set of moral standards or principles.” b. What is situation ethics? “determined right or wrong by the function of choice.” 1)“…desired outcome of the situation” “Getting things done though people”
Christian Ethics 2. What Christian ethics….. IS IS NOT IS IS NOT Write out a list in groups.
Christian Ethics 2, b. What is legalism? What problems can this cause? 1) List of Laws just get bigger 2) One requires you to break another a law 3) They hinder moral maturity 4) They foster religious pride and superiority Write out a list in groups.
Christian Ethics 4, a. Where does Christian principles come in? b. God’s Word c. Words of Jesus d. Holy Spirit as our teacher and guide Write out a list in groups.
Christian Ethics – Practical Application B, 2. Questions to ask ourselves… a. What does the Bible say…? b. What does the principles of the Bible say…? c. What would Jesus do? d. What is the Holy Spirit telling you to do…?
Christian Ethics – Practical Application B, 2. Questions to ask ourselves… e. What does good Christian counsel say…? f. What does the civil law say…? g. What does your organization say?
Christian Ethics – Practical Application 3. What about cultural differences? a. Three questions to ask. 1) Is the Word of God cross-cultural? 2) Is the Holy Spirit cross-cultural? 3) Is the teachings and example of Jesus cross – cultural? b. We need a cross-cultural world- view
Christian Ethics – Practical Application 4. What do we do…? a. Confess our sins – ask forgiveness b. Study the Word of God and pray c. Be honest and ethical d. Commit to telling the whole truth e. Come under authority f. Lead by your words and example g. Take responsibility for your mistakes h. Be careful with pride
Christian Ethics – Practical Application 5. Why have we chosen to be a Christian Leader? a. The “why” question is important to God and to others. b. How people lead is also important to God. (Phil. 2:1-8) c. When it comes to being a leader that pleases God, attitude is everything and motives do matter.