This ppt gives you examples of the kind of questions you will be asked in your examination. It tells you what you need to do to gain marks. It shows you.


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Presentation transcript:

This ppt gives you examples of the kind of questions you will be asked in your examination. It tells you what you need to do to gain marks. It shows you what kind of knowledge is required. Tackle some of the questions on here and bring them into school – Miss Lester will mark them and give you guidance on how to improve.

You will be expected to answer 2 sets of 5 questions during the examination What does immoral mean? Describe one way in which a Christian might try to cope with suffering How does the idea of free will explain why there is evil in the world? Explain why Christians may feel it is important to behave morally “There is no such thing as evil” Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer. 1 mark. Give a definition of the word 2 marks. Give a detailed description 3 marks. Clear and detailed explanation 6 marks. Structured answer containing 2/3 detailed explanations using key vocabulary 12 marks. Structured answer showing more than one argument with supporting evidence

Question one Will ask you to show you understand key words and concepts 1 mark = 1 minute

Question two Will ask you to identify key features or give basic descriptions. Give two examples of moral evil Describe one rule of the ‘just war’ theory Describe one consequence of ‘free will’ Name two reasons for immoral behaviour 2 marks = 2 minutes

Question three Will ask you to describe/explain religious beliefs. Describe Christian beliefs about life after death Describe Christian beliefs about God Describe Islamic beliefs about the ‘greater jihad’ Describe how Christians might use prayer to make moral decisions You can achieve marks for using key words and explaining their meaning 3 marks = 3 minutes

You should consider holy books, religious leaders, religious teachings, and places of worship 6 marks = 6 minutes Question four Will ask you to give 2/3 detailed explanations. You must use full sentences and key words. Explain Christian beliefs about why there is evil and suffering in the world Explain Islamic beliefs about jihad Explain what/where/who Christians may look to for moral guidance

Question five Will ask you to agree and disagree with a statement. You will need to include religious ideas. You must use full sentences and key words ‘Evil and suffering is proof that God does not exist’ ‘War is never the solution’ ‘Heaven can only be reached by Christians’ ‘There is always a purpose to suffering on earth’ 12 marks = 12 minutes Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answer.