2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Maya, Inca, Aztec Louisiana Native Tribes North American Natives and Poverty Point People and Places Random
Which group was first to create a civilization in Mesoamerica?
What was unique about the Aztec religion?
Human sacrifice
What was unique about the Inca system of record keeping?
The Inca had no written language so they used Quipus which were knotted strings to keep records
What advancement was used by all Mesoamerican groups?
The calendar
How was the Maya civilization organized?
The Maya empire was a group of independent city states like in Greece
What was the purpose of the mounds at Poverty Point?
The mounds were used for homes and religious ceremonies
During what period did native people begin to use agriculture rather than gathering?
Late Neo Indian Period
When did native groups begin to use the atlatl?
During the Meso Indian period
During which period did native people begin to live in villages on a seasonal basis?
Early Neo Indian period
Which group began hunting smaller animals like deer and rabbits?
Meso Indians
Which tribe were known as flesh eaters?
Which tribe lived along the Red River?
Which tribe was divided because of its loyalties to the French and British?
Which tribe was known for having a peace chief and a war chief?
Which tribe hunted by horseback?
Where was the Maya civilization located?
The Yucatan Peninsula
Who conquered the Aztec?
Hernando Cortez
Where would you find the Natchez tribe’s early lands?
Through what mountain range did the Inca expand their empire?
The Andes Mountains
Who was the Spanish explorer to first travel the southern coast of North America?
Hernando De Soto
What does immunitty mean?
The body’s ability to fight off disease
What caused the decline of the Maya?
No one knows for sure: maybe drought, maybe civil war, maybe disease, maybe by choice
Which Native tribe helped give Baton Rouge its name?
During which period did native people begin to plant maize (corn)?
Late Neo Indian Period
Why did the conquistadors come to the New World?
To search for gold, spread Christianity, and find new lands