By: Natalie L.
This picture came from my dinning room. It is a sample of a right angle. It has two lines intersecting each other. None of the lines are parallel.
This is a picture of a right angle in different words two lines intersecting each other. This is from the kitchen counter.
This is a picture of my bathroom window. It is two lines intersecting each other. They are not parallel.
This is a picture of right angles. No lines are parallel. This is my bathroom.
Parallel lines never hit each other. If they hit into each other they are no longer parallel lines.
These lines are not parallel but they intersect each other instead. They still start in places like parallel lines do but they are not parallel because they crash like cars sometimes do.
These are rays, lines and line segments.
A line segment is simply a line that shows point as this picture shows A to B. A line segment is normally drawn with a ruler.
A ray is a line that represents a line going on and on and on in one direction different from a line that goes on forever in both ways.
A line is a line that has arrows at the end of it. A line has arrows because they are there to represent a line going on and on and on forever.