Jeff Dennen Justin Marriott Brian Melo Matt Skillin Pulse Jet Engine
Project Our project is to design and build a pulse jet engine We plan to make the engine as efficient as possible with the budget that we have set. BM
Plan We are first going to create different designs and then do a design matrix to determine the best design We are then going to do hand calculations to determine the best way to design the jet engine to provide maximum thrust. We then are going to create a Solidworks model Finally we will build and test against our hand calculations. JD
What is a pulse jet engine? A Pulse Jet is an engine that works on combustion in phases called pulses These engines are usually mad using no moving parts Pulse jets were used by the German’s in WWII, they were used as a bomb called the “buzz bomb” because of the sound of the bomb made. JM
How does it work? The primary effect behind the function of a pulsejet is the fact that gases are compressible and tend to act like a spring. This “springiness” is crucial to the way a pulsejet draws in a fresh mixture of air and fuel then expels the hot burning gasses that are generated when that fuel is ignited. Copyright 2004, 2005 Bruce Simpson. MS
Kinds of Pulse Jets Valve: Pedal or spring valve construction Harder to build More Expansive Valve-less: No moving parts Easier to build Cheaper JM
Bibliography Simpson Bruce “The Enthusiasts' Guide to Pulsejet Engines” Roy, Gabriel “Combustion processes in propulsion control, noise, and pulse detonation” oMS