PUBLIC SAFETY 2012 Lisa M. Hurley3/15/12
PUBLIC SAFETY DJJ Respite Bed Initiative (HB 5401/SB 7070) – PASSED – Gives DJJ authority to spend $1,176,300 on respite beds for youth charged with domestic violence who do not meet the criteria for secure detention but are kept there anyway because they have no where else to go; – Limited only to respite beds, no other “alternatives” authorized; – Estimated daily cost of a respite bed is $100, compared to estimated daily cost of secure detention $275; – $3,211,299 reduction to Shared County/State Juvenile Detention TF; – Results in an estimated net savings to TF of $2,000,000 in first year. – FY 2012 TF was at $77,819,360 but FY 2013 TF is at $74,009,403. 8/14/2015 2
PUBLIC SAFETY $2,700,000 Reduction to Shared County/Juvenile Detention Trust Fund to Meet Current Utilization Split – FAILED – DJJ/FAC workgroup met last summer to discuss detention utilization split between counties and state – Counties were paying 76% of detention costs but utilization was only 73% – DJJ submitted LBR to reduce TF by $2,700,000 to reflect current utilization split – Governor Scott included the reduction in his recommendations – House never picked it up; Senate did but only at $100,000 – Ultimately Senate took the House position in conference and no appropriation was made 8/14/2015 3
PUBLIC SAFETY Emergency 911 Service (HB 801/SB1042) – PASSED – Provides an exception to confidentiality provision by allowing an emergency dispatcher to disclose the location of a confirmed coronary emergency to any private person or entity that owns an automated external defibrillator (AED) nearby. – Encourages owners of AEDs to notify public safety answering points about locations of their AEDs. Certification of 911 Safety Telecommunicators (HB1227/SB 514) – PASSED – Exempts sworn law enforcement officers from having to be certified as a 911 public safety operator as long as the officer performs as an operator on an occasional or limited basis and passes the department-approved exam on the topic. 8/14/2015 4
PUBLIC SAFETY Crime Lab Fees (SB 1968) – PASSED – Currently, s , F.S., allows courts to assess a $100 fee on any defendant who pleads to or is convicted of a criminal offense in which the services of a local county-operated crime lab was used in the investigation or prosecution of the violation; – Effective October 1, 2012, courts will be required to assess the $100 fee. – All fees collected will continue to be deposited in the FDLE Operating Trust Fund and used to reimburse local county-operated crime labs. Concealed Weapons or Firearms (HB 1087/SB 1340) – FAILED – Would have prohibited concealed weapons from being carried into any state, county, municipal, school board, constitutional officer’s or special district office or building or into a child care facility. 8/14/2015 5
PUBLIC SAFETY Misdemeanor Pretrial Substance Abuse Programs (CS/SB 186/HB 183) – PASSED – Expands the pool of people eligible for admission into a misdemeanor pretrial substance abuse education and treatment intervention program under s , F.S. – Allows persons previously admitted to such a program to participate and expands offenses to include underage possession of alcohol, prostitution, nonviolent, non-traffic related offenses, possession of certain controlled substances w/out a Rx. – May lead to fewer trials and fewer jail commitments. Substance Abuse Ed. and Intervention Programs (HB233/SB428) – PASSED – Permits counties to contract with licensed substance abuse providers for probation supervision services. 8/14/2015 6
PUBLIC SAFETY Animal Control (HB 479/SB 654) – PASSED – Expands the list of prescription drugs that may be used to euthanize and immobilize animals and eliminates food-based delivery of euthanasia drugs as an acceptable method of euthanasia; – Allows animal control agencies and humane societies to obtain drugs for the purpose of chemical immobilization using the same permit for obtaining drugs for euthanasia; – Requires animal control officers to report knowledge of any animal bite, animal disease or any symptoms that may pose threat to humans to DOH. – Authorizes the Board of Veterinary Medicine and Board of Pharmacy to add additional controlled substances and legend drugs to the list of approved prescription drugs that may be used to euthanize or immobilize an animal. – Should result in savings to certain animal control agencies who currently contract with a veterinarian to obtain these drugs 8/14/2015 7
PUBLIC SAFETY Animal Shelters (HB 597/SB 818) – FAILED – Would have created the “Animal Rescue Act” that would have: Required animal control agencies and shelters to maintain a registry of “no-kill” rescue groups willing to accept animals subject to euthanization; Prohibited an animal control agency or shelter from euthanizing an animal before contacting all rescue groups on the registry to determine a willingness to accept the animal; and Required agencies and shelters to produce monthly reports for public inspection on numbers of animals impounded, euthanized, died, returned to owners, adopted, and transferred to rescue groups. Dangerous Dogs (HB 997/SB 1322) – FAILED - Would have preempted any local government breed specific ordinance or one that lessens state restrictions governing dangerous dogs. 8/14/2015 8
PUBLIC SAFETY Pretrial Programs (HB 875/SB 1730) – FAILED Responsibility for Inmate Medical Costs (HB 263/SB 452) – FAILED Electronic Monitoring of Juveniles (HB 471/SB 1100) – FAILED 8/14/2015 9
PUBLIC SAFETY Budget Issues Regional Conflict Counsel – state funding for office space, rent, utilities and IT for the 5 RCC offices; expenses previously paid by counties but ruled unconstitutional in September 2011 by the Florida Supreme Court in Lewis, et al. v. Leon County, et al. Clerks of Court – reduced budget by almost $30M, representing a 7% cut; may result in over 900 positions being eliminated. No significant reductions for Courts, State Attorneys, Public Defenders or GALs. 8/14/
Questions? Contact: Lisa Hurley /14/