CTE Special Populations Coordinators Access Progress Success David Wehbie, Director Career and Technical Education
Special Populations Coordinator Goal: To develop a consistent understanding of the SPCs’ function and delivery of services. The Law: Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006
Special Populations Coordinator “Don’t get confused” 1.“Special Populations” is unique to CTE, and specifically defined by Perkins IV. Students must be, or have been, enrolled in Career and Technical Education courses to be included in Special Populations. 2. “Special Education”, Exceptional Children, or IDEA, provides for free appropriate public education with an IEP designed to meet the needs of a student with a disability that adversely affects their educational performance. 3. “Special Needs” gets used often, but it does not have any legal significance. Read and GO ON 3
Special Populations Coordinator ‘‘… career and technical education programs prepare students, including special populations, for subsequent employment in high skill, high wage occupations (including those in which mathematics and science skills are critical), or for participation in postsecondary education;” ‘‘Access, Progress, Success” special populations,
Special Populations Coordinator ‘‘…prepare career and technical education students, including special populations, academically and technically for opportunities in postsecondary education or entry into high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging occupations, and how participating students will be made aware of such opportunities;…” Transition Transition
Special Populations Coordinator The term ‘special populations’ includes individuals: with disabilities; WCPSS 11.5% from economically disadvantaged families, Including foster children; WCPSS 32.4% preparing for non-traditional fields; WCPSS 6.8% parenting or pregnant teens; with limited English proficiency. WCPSS 3.6% Specific to NC–Academically Disadvantaged. WCPSS 21.7%
MAJOR FUNCTIONS Assessment and Prescription Accountability and Planning Assessment and Prescription Coordination with other Service Providers Monitoring Access, Progress and Success Outreach and Recruitment Professional Development The complete SPC Job Description and Appraisal System are located in the WCPSS HR Evaluation Forms section. http://www2.wcpss.net/forms/forms/spc-appraisal.pdf Read this slide on GO ON! More detail s about these later. 7
See Local Planning Systems site at http://ctelps.dpi.state.nc.us Monitoring Access, Progress, & Success Do you know where to find your Local Plan & Performance Indicators? See Local Planning Systems site at http://ctelps.dpi.state.nc.us Login as “guest” and use password of “guest”
Overview Part II Academic Attainment - Reading/ Language Arts Academic Attainment - Mathematics Technical Skill Attainment Secondary School Completion Student Graduation Rates Secondary Placement Nontraditional Participation Nontraditional Completion
8 CORE Indicators listed on pg. 22 of Handbook Local Plan continued…Performance Indictors found under “Reports”. Example of Performance Indicator Three – Technical Skill Attainment by Special Populations Categories. 8 CORE Indicators listed on pg. 22 of Handbook EXAMPLE of CORE Indicator. Categories Include: Racial & Ethnic, Gender, Clusters, Program Areas, YPA. There are 8 CORE Indicators…..Page 22 of Handbook 10
Special Populations Management System Is a Microsoft Access database Identifies all students with SPC eligibilities Identifies eligible students taking CTE courses (CDP+) Identifies CDP+ students with an IEP, LEP or 504 Plan Provides data in a usable format to enhance the planning and delivery of student and teacher services Deborah Westbrook, SPC Services
Special Populations Coordinator Management System The SPC Management System was originally developed to assist the Special Population Coordinators in completing the electronic Career Development Plan-Plus (CDP+). Completion of the CDP+ fulfills local, state, and federal accountability requirements for students identified as Special Populations.
Special Populations Coordinator Management System In addition to meeting the need for documentation for required reports the program is now used to assure more readily available information for teachers and SPCs. The available information allows teachers and SPCs to work together for targeted, individualized services for students.
SPC Management System- Exports
CTE Special Populations Services Providing support for both teachers and students Nan Daughety, SPC, Broughton High School Velma Jordan, SPC, Wakefield High School
Resources to Plan and Carry Out Services Dependent on the Diverse Eligibilities Testing Results (technical attainment) LPS data (benchmarks and actual results) Elements Post Assessment Data CTE Instructional Specialist WCPSS Resources NCWISE/PowerSchools, EasiIEP, NCDPI Moodle, Performance Matters and EVAAS
Resources to Plan and Carry Out Services School Resources Career Development Coordinator SPED, LEP & 504 Case Managers Guidance Counselors Student Assistance Counselor Transition Coordinator
Student Services Counseling Test assistance Remediation Test taking skills Transition Management & Graduation Coping skills
Teacher Services Provide Tracking Data Coordinate with Teachers and OCS to develop appropriate modified Blueprints Strategies for teaching students with special needs Classroom management strategies Class assistance with special projects/ field trips
CTE Special Populations Coordinators Access Progress Success Questions?