Ecotourism is a type of tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.
Ecotourism is about 60% of total tourist revenue. More than 10,000 Canadian jobs rely on the industry. One of the fastest-growing sectors of tourism. Canada has sp many wilderness areas that this resource seems limitless.
Boat trips and ferries have been found to harm sea life ex.(whales, sea lions). Uninhabited environments become inhabited and damaged over time. Animals that are specific to Canada are hunted by tourists. Ex,(Beaver). Over time natural resources become depleted faster.
There is a transfer of wealth from the developed countries, and jobs are created in industries and services that cater to the tourists. It can provide jobs for young people that keep them in their home communities. Is an important tool in preserving endangered plants and animals. Tourists can bring much needed funds to preserve near extinct species and plant life and conservation program.
Flying is extremely environmentally unfriendly, more tourists means an increase of resource depletion. Accelerates the degradation of environments that attract tourist, and drives animals away from their natural habitat. Overcrowding, misuses of natural resources, the construction the buildings and infrastructure. These impacts may not be physical but; cultural.
“off the beaten track” have become overpopulated with visitors, accelerating the pace of social and environmental damage. Can overwhelm country’s with immigrants. Increase air transportation; leading to more greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere.
whales-dolphins-Animal-spotting-tours-stressing-marine-mammals.html whales-dolphins-Animal-spotting-tours-stressing-marine-mammals.html Website Title: Mail Online Article Title: Is eco-tourism harming whales and dolphins? Animal spotting […] Publisher: Associated Newspapers Electronically Published: August 27, 2014 Date Accessed: May 22, 2015 Author: Sarah Griffiths for MailOnline Website Title: Tourism, ecotourism, and protected areas Article Title: 3. Negative tourism impacts Date Accessed: May 22, 2015 Cranny, Michael William, and Garvin Moles. "14 and 15." Counterpoints: Exploring Canadian Issues. Toronto: Prentice Hall, Print. Bricke, Dr. Kelly S. "TRENDS AND ISSUES FOR ECOTOURISM & SUSTAINABLE TOURISM." TRENDS AND ISSUES FOR (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 26 May 2015.