Effective Marketing Simon Hill Extravision 23/05/2013 1
About Extravision Established Marketing Agency and ESP Based in Manchester Specialise in B2B marketing strategy and design 23/05/2013 2
About me Co-founder of Extravision Technical Director and consultant DMA Council and Best practice hub Working in over 10 years 23/05/2013 3
What we will cover How to improve your data acquisition and make sure you’re legal at the same time Ideas that can help your campaigns create more impact across all devices What can be done to help get your message into the users inbox Which stats are important and how successful has your campaign really been 23/05/2013 4
marketing is like parenting Everyone has advice on how to bring up your children and what is best for them. The same is true in marketing Some things are just common sense No concrete rules about what will work for your campaigns Your business is unique and so are its campaigns 23/05/2013 5
Why marketing ? Number of accounts will increase to over 3.8 billion by 2014 (The Radicati Group, Inc) 1.5 billion Twitter users 1.1 billion Facebook users 175 million LinkedIn users 23/05/2013 6
23/05/2013 7
Why marketing ? 188 billion s sent per day worldwide (excluding 106 billion spam messages) August million tweets – 0.74% 60 million Facebook updates – 0.03% 23/05/2013 8
Why marketing ? 23/05/ DMA National Client Report 2013
Why marketing “Anyone without an address is the digital equivalent of homeless “ Dela Quist - CEO Alchemy Worx 23/05/
How to improve your data acquisition and make sure you’re legal at the same time 23/05/
Data Collection Don’t waste time using outdated or junk data. Spamtraps and blacklisting Start at data collection and grow organically Only collect the data you need Record the data capture date 23/05/
Data Hygiene Double opt in – barrier to list growth – Welcome message Validate data input – leadspend.com Double entry – waste of time CAPTCHA - annoying 23/05/
Spam traps 3 types – Honeypots – created by Blacklist providers – Zombie accounts – once active accounts – Typotraps – mistyped domains Very difficult to identify and remove once on your list. 23/05/
Data Hygiene Clean your lists regularly – avoid spamtraps – Remove bounces – Remove typo’s – Possible harvested addresses – Unsubscribes via other channels i.e. fbl’s – Inactive subscribers 23/05/
Data Hygiene 23/05/
Data collection Positive action opt-in (the checkbox is initially unchecked) required by EU law unless soft opt-in Include a link to your privacy policy syntax validation Send a welcome 23/05/
Ideas that can help your campaigns create more impact across all devices 23/05/
How many images should we use ? Depends on your brand – fashion vs IT 2 schools of thought – no images, no sense, download images to see the content – Optimised for no images with alt tags, people can still read your message and click links 23/05/
Mosaics When people have images turned off HTML tables that impersonate images. Convey message without images Promote interest Can go viral 23/05/
Mosaics Easter egg media%29 media%29 Go to google.com Type “google gravity” and then select “I’m feeling lucky” 23/05/
23/05/ Sony campaign by Alchemy Worx ( Images turned on
23/05/ Sony campaign by Alchemy Worx ( Images turned off
Pros/cons of mosaics Increase message size Use style alt tags instead 2 creative options in one Look at our recipients 23/05/
Pre-header The text at the top of an before the content Usually online version, unsubscribe Super subject line 23/05/
Pre-headers 23/05/
Pre-headers 23/05/
Subject lines Grab attention – newspaper headline Arguments for both long and short Consider your audience Combination of subject line and message content is the key 23/05/
Subject lines 23/05/
23/05/ litmus.com
23/05/ litmus.com
Subject lines Special characters in subject lines Don’t be afraid to use – FREE, OFFER, Capitalisation etc. Hashtag in subject line ? 23/05/
The Obama campaign $690 million in online donations 23/05/
The Obama campaign Create 4 to 6 messages for every day. Send each message with 3 different subject line Large test cells of 50,000 contacts Goal metric – donations 23/05/
The Obama campaign Test send around 7am and a winner picked about 60 to 90 minutes later The winner went to the remaining database, but some segments received slight variations on the winner depending on their donation history. 23/05/
design for mobile “80% of people will delete an on a mobile device if it doesn’t look good” -marketing The question was ““If you get a mobile that doesn’t look good then what do you do ?” 23/05/
design for mobile If you are sending html s then you already have a mobile strategy Concentrate efforts on your website Look at your own stats before optimising for mobile devices 23/05/
Optimising for mobile Mobile first design Responsive design 23/05/
Mobile first design Luke Wroblewski Normally design for desktop and adapt for mobile Focus on what is important to the user Single design for all devices 23/05/
Mobile first design Design for touchscreen – Apple’s human interface guidelines state that the minimum size for a click-able area should be 22x44px Design for the screen size – Single column 320 px, full width images 23/05/
Responsive Design Uses to render different layouts Requires 2 designs Can be complex coding to implement Does work on all mobile devices 23/05/
What can be done to help get your message into the users inbox 23/05/
What is deliverability ? “Reaching the inbox is the only way you can earn a response. You must maintain an on going reputation for being welcome in the inbox. Being relevant and earning a high sender reputation is not a box you can just check off. It’s an attitude.” Stephanie Miller 23/05/
What affects your deliverability ? Sender/IP reputation Blacklists Spam filters Feedback loops 23/05/
IP Reputation ESP’s normally have shared and dedicated IP addresses. A dedicated IP address is not for everyone Domain reputation 23/05/
IP Reputation Domain setup – Custom domain (sub domain) – Reverse DNS – SPF record Domain Authenticated – Domain keys / DKIM – DMARC 23/05/
Complaint feedback loops Each ISP has its own FBL Setup by your ESP Generates an when a message is reported as spam Process this reply accordingly – unsubscribe 23/05/
Which stats are important and how successful has your campaign really been 23/05/
The opens debate Einstein once said “Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted” “open rates are as useful as your appendix“ Tim Watson - Zettasphere 23/05/
The opens debate Did the recipient receive the ? Was it of interest ? Did they read it ? Did they follow any of the CTA’s ? 23/05/
The opens debate Read rate the holy grail of stats Litmus provides a stat Consider your own inbox triage 23/05/
The opens debate Don’t get hung up on your open rate One small metric Set clear goals for your campaign 23/05/
Engagement – open reach What is engagement ? Open, click rate are campaign metrics Engagement is not your open rate Measured over time 23/05/
Engagement – open reach 23/05/
frequency “First time openers generate more revenue, first time openers are generally new subscribers hence grow your list or increase your frequency” Alchemy Worx revolutionise-your- -marketing/ 23/05/
Conclusion Look after your data Smarter with your Set clear goals and measure your success against your goals 23/05/
Thank you 23/05/