HTML sucks. But it can suck less.
The problems you can’t solve ① doesn’t scale. ② Who are you again? ③ Your recipient list is not your mother. ④ Look at my new iThing!/The IT department gives me a Blackberry. ⑤ Go away I hate you. ⑥ The browser wars are alive and well. Code like it’s 1999! ⑦ Most clients don’t display images by default.
What this means ① There is some stuff you just …can’t …do. ② So best practices for are not like best practices for anything else. ③ And yet we still have to look cool and work on modern devices.
Specific gotchas ① 98% containing table* width. ② Font styles go in the table cells. ③ Float like a bee. ④ is your new best friend. ⑤ Whitespace with HTML. ⑥ 1px gap ⑦ Use absolute URLs for images. * Think of it as the
Oh God, mobile ① Almost half of is read on mobile devices. ② Preview is kind of like mobile! ③ Automatic text resizing, I love you.
Tools ① The Chart of Despair and Incompatibility: ② Campaign Monitor Generator: ③ Litmus Builder: ④ Zurb Templates: - templates ⑤ Pr er: pr ⑥ Litmus Tests: -testing
Sources Sitepoint 24ways Zurb Campaign Monitor MailChimp Litmus
Elizabeth Yalkut Powerpoint, including speaker notes, available at: sucks.ppt