Why Mobile ? Users check their smartphones an average of 160 times a day, once about every seven minutes.
48% of s are opened on a mobile device - mobile open rates have increased 300% between Oct ’10-Oct ‘12
80% of users will delete an that doesn’t look good on their device - 30% will unsubscribe
mobile-friendliness mobile-friendliness breaks down into three buckets: 1)responsive design, which is the most sophisticated approach Use responsive design with caution. While it can work well in certain situations, it is not supported by all apps including Gmail.
mobile-friendliness mobile-friendliness breaks down into three buckets: 1)responsive design, which is the most sophisticated approach Use responsive design with caution. While it can work well in certain situations, it is not supported by all apps including Gmail. 2)mobile-aware design, which uses basic design tools to create a one-size-fits-all
mobile-friendliness breaks down into three buckets: 1)responsive design, which is the most sophisticated approach Use responsive design with caution. While it can work well in certain situations, it is not supported by all apps including Gmail. 2)mobile-aware design, which uses basic design tools to create a one-size-fits-all 3)desktop-centric design, which has been the status quo and is inherently not mobile-friendly mobile-friendliness
Mobile-Aware Design Best Practices Learn what percentage of your subscribers is viewing your s on a mobile device. Review how your s currently look on various mobile devices. Optimize for bandwidth. If possible, aim for 100 kilobytes or less. Simplify the design. Max message width of 600 pixels. Using a single-column layout Employing large images, text, and buttons Spacing out links so there are fewer mis-taps Keep it simple – pare down text if you can Optimize the pre-header.
Resources +Mobile: What Did You Change This Year? this-year#sthash.1zEYRPzW.dpuf 2 Key Techniques for Making Content More Mobile-Friendly Creating an Effective Campaign - 5 Takeaways from the 2013 MARKETINGSHERPA SUMMIT takeaways-from-the-2013-marketingshe Designing for the Mobile Inbox - download The How-To Guide to Responsive Design