STIMULATE VI Personal information NGUYEN Thi Thu Nga Mrs (Vietnam) Graduate of Hanoi Cultural Univ Librarian Website: Office: National Univ. of Civil Engineering Information - Data-Library Department Tel: Fax: Website:
STIMULATE VI Contents of studying Web Web 2.0 Examples Elementary Statistics for Library Citation analysis and research performance CDS/ISIS Software Present Information in a Scientific Enviroment Publishing on the Web Internet searching Library and information networks Presentation of the database ASFA Thesaurus structure Digital library using Greenstone software
STIMULATE VI Suggestions to Organisation The programme duration seems to be short for the contents Should have more time for important subjects, such as Publlishing on the web, CDS/ISIS…
STIMULATE VI Strong points of Organisation Focusing on developing countries Sharing experience among participants Chances for contacts with advanced information management
STIMULATE VI Best components Providing materials for studying: laptop, calculator to do the exercises CDS/ISIS is very practical & beneficial; a free software Publishing Web Page Creation-HTML/ XML is practical and educative Visiting modern libraries in Oostende, Antwerp and Leuven
STIMULATE VI Not so good components There are lectures on Saturday Less time for CDS/ISIS course
STIMULATE VI Suggestions for my office Make a webpage for the Library Maximize the use of open access electronic resources. Utilize the open access databases in the research and teaching process in the university