FAIRTRADE: THE GUARANTEE A price that covers production and a living wage A stable trading relationship No use of child labour Few or no chemicals to protect workers + the environment Rights for women A social premium
FAIRTRADE: WHY DOES IT MATTER? Because a child dies every THREE SECONDS from poverty. Because millions more worldwide are forced into child labour.
FAIRTRADE: WHY DOES IT MATTER? Because workers on banana plantations work in appalling conditions for just 60p A DAY. Because unjust global trading rules mean hundreds of millions of people live in abject poverty
FAIRTRADE: THE GUARANTEE A price that covers production and a living wage A stable trading relationship No use of child labour Few or no chemicals to protect workers + the environment Rights for women A social premium
FAIRTRADE: THE EFFECTS A primary school being rebuilt with Social Premium money
FAIRTRADE: THE EFFECTS Road improvements made with Social Premium money
FAIRTRADE: UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES Over 55 Universities in the UK have achieved Fairtrade University status. Over 100 colleges in the UK have achieved Fairtrade College status. Swansea University, NEWI, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, Deeside College and Cardiff University have all achieved Fairtrade Status. How can you achieve (and maintain!) Fairtrade status for your university or college?
FAIRTRADE: UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES The 5 Goals 1. Both the Student Union and university / college authorities must create Fairtrade policies. 2. Fairtrade foods are available to buy in all campus outlets + Fairtrade foods are to be used in all cafes/restaurants/bars on campus. 3. Fairtrade foods (e.g. coffee, tea & sugar) are served at all meetings hosted by the institution + the SU, and are served in all management offices. 4. There is a commitment to campaign for increased Fairtrade consumption on campus, including during Fairtrade Fortnight. 5. Set up a Fairtrade Steering Group to reflect on the progress of each of these goals + decide how to go about continuing to excel in them.
FAIRTRADE: UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES Achieving Fairtrade Status - Contact colleagues and establish a working group - Involve the relevant student groups and the student union - Take advice from colleagues at other institutions / within WEAUC - Contact your suppliers and purchasing consortium e.g. HEPCW - Contact Fair Trade Wales for advice, materials and speeches. - Download the guides and leaflets
FAIRTRADE: PRODUCTS Over 2500 products are now available!
FAIRTRADE: THE COUNTRY CAMPAIGN 60% of FE & HE Institutions need to have active Fairtrade Groups working towards (or maintaining) Fairtrade Status.
FAIRTRADE: USEFUL LINKS Fair Trade Wales: Fairtrade Foundation: Fairtrade At Work: IFAT (International Fair Trade Association) : FLO (Fairtrade Labelling Organisations) : Make Trade Fair: Trade Justice Movement:
Richard Ellis Wales Fair Trade Forum FAIRTRADE: ANY QUESTIONS?