Regional Policy Managing Authorities of the ETC programmes Annual Meeting 22.4.2013 W Piskorz, Head of Unit Competence Centre Inclusive Growth, Urban and.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Policy Managing Authorities of the ETC programmes Annual Meeting W Piskorz, Head of Unit Competence Centre Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development DG Regional and Urban Policy, EU Commission

Regional Policy Proposal for Cohesion Policy objectives: Deliver the Europe 2020 strategy objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Focus on results Maximise the impact of EU funding A stronger territorial approach

Regional Policy CPR invites Member States to address territorial challenges Analysis of Member State's or region’s development potential and capacity (national, regional and local characteristics); Assessment of major challenges to be addressed by the region or MS; Assessment of cross-sectoral, cross-jurisdictional or cross-border coordination challenges; Identification of steps to achieve improved coordination across different territorial levels and sources of funding to deliver an integrated approach linking EU2020 with regional and local actors.

Regional Policy Why the need for a comprehensive set of territorial strategies? Territorial imbalances between regions, within regions and urban areas Stronger involvement of local and sub-national levels are needed to achieve Europe 2020 objectives Multi-level governance – shared ownership COM proposed flexible tools for implementing integrated territorial strategies Use of territorial tools justified by an integrated approach for territorial development – to be described in the Partnership Agreement

Regional Policy Tools for integrated territorial development Integrated territorial investment (ITI): allows drawing funds from at least two priority axes in the same or different programmes to implement territorial strategy in an integrated manner.  Option for ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund - EAFRD and EMFF can contribute (eg. functional areas).  Integrated territorial strategies Community-led local development (CLLD) – joint initiative of four EU Funds to support implementation of joint bottom-up local development strategies (based on "Leader" approach).  Option for ERDF, ESF, EMFF, compulsory for EAFRD

Regional Policy Urban and territorial dimension of the future CP Urban development network Urban innovative actions ITI "Urban" investment priorities Community-led local development Cross-border cooperation URBACT Sustainable urban development OP Multi- thematic priority axis

Regional Policy ITI – Integrated territorial investments under the ETC Article 10 ETC - ITI can be delegated to an EGTC or a legal body established under the laws of one of the participating countries, provided that the latter is set up by public authorities from at least two participating countries. Under ETC an ITI has to have cross-border impact and to benefit both sides of the border. ESF type actions possible under ETC Article 6. Primary use of ITI within single cooperation programme, but involving funds from other ERDF/ESF or even EAFRD/EMFF programmes operating in the cross-border area is possible.

Regional Policy ITI - Example of possible use Cross-border urban area has common challenges and potential (integrated labour market, cross-border public transport, etc.) and a territorial strategy to exploit its potential. ITI can be applied to this territory, and it has the possibility to draw funding from mainstream programmes also (ERDF, ESF, EAFRD, EMFF) Existing legal cross-border structure could take up tasks e.g. Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai is an EGTC and has a territorial strategy in place

Regional Policy Community-Led Local Development article 28§1 of CPR a)focused on specific sub-regional territories; b)community-led, by local action groups composed of representatives of public and private local socio- economic interests,(at decision making level a single partner not to represent more than 49% of voting rights) c)carried out through integrated and multi-sectoral area- based local development strategies; d)designed taking into account local needs and potential, include innovative features in the local context, networking and where appropriate, cooperation.

Regional Policy Community-led local development (CLLD) under the ETC ETC Article 9 – CLLD bottom-up strategies can be supported provided that the Local Action Group (LAG) is composed of representatives of at least two countries, of which one is a Member State. Important that LAG reflects cross-border dimension also in terms of languages covered. Under ETC, in operations carried out by two or more beneficiaries, a lead partner should be designated among them. Some differences as compared to CPR Art on CLLD, eg. -ETC Art. 11 on selection of operations by Monitoring Committee, Art. 17 on specific rules on eligibility of expenditure established by Monitoring Committee, Art. 18 providing a framework for staff costs.

Regional Policy ITICLLD Urban development strategy or other territorial strategy or pact Bottom-up integrated area-based strategy Flexible – but generally top-down, public sector-led Bottom-up, community-led (public, private, civil society) Target areas or the principles by which strategies will be selected should be set out in Partnership Agreement MS define selection criteria and target areas, selection of CLLD strategies through competitive procedure by responsible MA(s) Any size as long as focused on a coherent functional geography Sub-regional (10.000– inhabitants (except duly justified cases) Single fund (ERDF, ESF or CF) or several funds (ERDF, ESF and/or CF complemented by EAFRD and/or EMFF) Single fund or several funds (ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and/or EMFF) Implementation by designated intermediate body or MA Strategy & implementation by local action group OptionalOptional (except for EAFRD)

Regional Policy Next steps Partnership Agreement (PA) Analysis of territorial of challenges and needs MS approach to and implementation arrangements for ITI and CLLD need to be described - ensure ETC is included if planning to use these tools. Operational programmes (OP) Indicative financial allocation from each priority axis to ITI. Where appropriate, approach to the use of CLLD and the principles for identifying the areas where it will be implemented. Shall be programmed under one specific investment priority in order to facilitate programming (but can be used to achieve results which contribute to all thematic objectives included in the CPR, in line with the objectives of a relevant programme).

Regional Policy Role of future URBACT Among others, provide support for the effective use of the new territorial instruments, Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-led local development (CLLD) Capacity building Networking Identification and dissemination of good practice with a view to its transfer to operational programmes under the Investment for growth and jobs goal and the European Territorial Cooperation goal

Regional Policy For more information InfoRegio: RegioNetwork: