What are System Requirements? What is Dugdh Sagar Dairy Management System? What are the basic needs to run Dairy Management System? * (Customer, supplier, products, location and cattle) How to edit/update products, customers, suppliers and bill? How to edit monthly report? How to generate multiple bill for customer and Supplier? How to manage accounts, issued salary of employee, payments of customer and suppliers. how to calculate other expense and income? How to generate reports on Products? How to calculate profit?
.Net Framework 4.0.Net Framework 4.0 SQL Server 2008 and greater version SQL Server 2008 and greater version Best Browser : Google Chrome Best Browser : Google Chrome IIS manager 6.0 or greater version IIS manager 6.0 or greater version Windows xp, windows 7 / 8 Windows xp, windows 7 / 8 RAM : 2 GB RAM : 2 GB Processor : Dual core or greater version Processor : Dual core or greater version
This management system is useful to maintain a Dairy. You can store information of your products, cattle, customers, suppliers and employees as well as you can manage vehicles. You can maintain accounts. You can generate a bill for customer and for supplier. You can issue salary to employee. You can manage income and expenses from other resources. You Can View Report Of Customer,location, supplier, employee and Bill. You can manage your record of products daily. You Can Edit Any Information. You Can Cancel Any bill. All the privileges will be provided under administrator.
After logging in admin has to add cattle, products, customer, suppliers and location. Then he manages the daily updates that includes sold and purchased products and routes to driver. Then he generates the bill for particular customer or supplier and print them. He manages the account. He manages the salary issued to an employee, income, expenses. Generates the reports to customer, supplier, employee. Calculates the profit.
It can print multiple bills at a time(25 bills). Manages accounts. Profit calculator that calculates your profit according to given date.
admin Add cattle, products, customer, suppliers, employees Manages daily update daily sold and purchased products Generates bill for customer and employee Manages accounts (salary,payment,expenses,income) Calculates profit in a given time inerval
To add product click on add product type in left menu. To process this management system first log in. Enter your ID. Enter password. Click on enter.
To add cattle click on add cattle type in left menu. Enter cattle name here. Any remark regarding to that cattle. Click on save button. Cattle record will be display.
To add product click on add product type in left menu.
To add SNF and FAT click on add FAT and SNF type in left menu. Click on save button. Click on the final save button.
To add area or location click on add area or location in left menu. Click on save button.
To add a customer click on add customer in left menu.
To add a supplier click on add supplier in left menu.
To add a vehicle click on add vehicle in left menu.
To add an employee click on add an employee in left menu.
Select a location. Select a product. Enter date. Select customer. Click on search. In this manner you can generate bill for supplier also.
For this you must be required a bill number.
You will be required to enter date, employee name or supplier name and amount.
You will be required to enter date, type and amount.
Enter date to calculate profit.
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