By: Brittany Black, Roni Aliu, Hamza Taleb, David Cinelli
Racism/Sexual Harassment Work Conditions Equal Employment Health Benefits Workers Rights and Benefits!
It is important to everyday workers. Without benefits workers may not be able to provide for their families. Workers need to know there rights. Why we picked this topic? History This topic has been talked about for years Slavery Outsourcing companies Sweat Shops
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Passed so that employees at companies are protected. Helps prevent deaths and injuries while at work. Companies around the world have to give video to workers for them to understand the procedures of the company. Most of the video are about safety How to lift and place down heavy items. How to use the equipment around the company. Brittany’s Findings- Safety Conditions BB
The movie “Wal-Mart the High Cost of Low Prices,” talks about bad working conditions. Wal-Mart outsources to other countries. When they are outsourcing they have workers that are in bad living conditions at dorms. At work the conditions are terrible where they worked. The workers had no rights and benefits they worked in sweat shops. “Taxi Driver, Minus Robert De Niro” by Fernando Ampureo showed some unsafe working conditions that the driver could do nothing about them because of the job he accepted. Taxi drivers around the world are known as the most dangerous drivers, they do not care wear they pull out and if they hit people. How this topic relates to things I learned in Class? BB
The article "In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an IPad." By Charles Duhigg and David Barboza talks about what efforts are put into making an IPad. May 2011 is when everyone around the world found out how Apple was treating their employees. Employees were working in sweat shops and many of the sweat shops were unsafe for the workers. A fire had broken out at one of the sweat shops in China where two employees had been hurt. Workers were working long hours getting bad pay checks. The pay checks did not even help them survive each day in China. How this topic relates to the new in the world? BB
OSH ACT OF 1970 To assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women Main reason is assist and encourage companies to assure safe and healthful work condition Also, to provide the right training for their job purposes RA
All workers are treated EQUALLY Things people deal with everyday at work Racism Sexism Working conditions Health benefits EQUAL EMPLYOMENT RA
Sexual Harassment and Racism in the work! HT
Sexual harassment and racism in the work place is unfortunately more common then we realize. These are two forms of the most unacceptable behaviors, and have great impact in a work place. Despite the efforts that have been made by universities, organizations, and the government to stop these issues, they are still happening. Even in a nation such as this one that is supposed to be made up of freedom and equality, there are still many people who are under the impression that their race is superior to others. HT
What is Sexual Harassment ? According to The Equal Rights Advocate Association, the legal definition of sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe and pervasive, and affects working conditions, or creates hostile environment. HT
In addition to sexual harassment we also most of times find ourselves fighting against one of the biggest issues in the work place that unfortunately still happening nowadays; it is racism. Racism is disliking, hating, or the act of unfair treatment of individual or individuals, due to their nationality, accent, skin color, or religion. we should treat them according to their educational level, their behaviors, their ethic, and their competence; those are the standards that should be taking in consideration. HT
The End