Innovation Lab Healthy Ageing & the Arts Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts the arts ◦ arts education ◦ care.


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Presentation transcript:

Innovation Lab Healthy Ageing & the Arts Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts the arts ◦ arts education ◦ care ◦ welfare

Innovation Lab Healthy Ageing & the Arts Groningen, Friesland, Drenthe open network, interdisciplinary, across domains 5 founding partners & a wide network 2 years: 2015 – practice based projects research, innovation & sustainable development Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Why? How? What? Macro: Joost Degenaar, director Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing Meso: Frans Meerhoff, Gemeente Emmen & Marieke Vegt, K&C Drenthe Micro: Paula van den Heuvel, ZINNZorg & Evert Bisschop Boele, Research Group Lifelong Learning in Music

Demographic Change and Health in EU CHALLENGES ageing population increase of 50 million older people towards 2060 burden of disease we live longer but with more chronic diseases rising cost for health and social care increase to 20% of GDP in 2060 SOLUTIONS prevention, participation, innovation, technology & entrepreneurship Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Healthy Ageing: European top priority and strategic theme in the Northern Netherlands Demographic change and Healthy Ageing one of the great societal challenges of EU one of the strategic themes in the Northern Netherlands Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands universities, health organisations, government, companies changing paradigms of health: - from disease & cure to prevention, participation, quality of life; - from welfare state to participation society Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Healthy Ageing programme Hanze UAS Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts Social work SportCare Education Labour Food & Nutrition Entrepre- neurship Music & Arts Living & Domotica eHealth &medical technology Healthy Ageing Hanze UAS Groningen

Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing Public Private Partnership from 35 partners in 2012 to 150 partners now 4 Universities of Applied Sciences, University of Groningen (RUG), University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG); 5 schools for vocational training 50 health-welfare institutions, 50 companies, local government and other partners like HANNN Hanze University of Applied Sciences leading partner 25 Innovation Labs partnerships, applied research, innovation in healthcare, innovation of education, business development from January 2015: Innovation Lab Healthy Ageing & the Arts Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Innovation Lab Healthy Ageing & Arts Why? Added value of the arts in innovation in health care; improve quality of life; How? multidisciplinary approach, sustainable collaboration, shared ownership: the arts, care and welfare What? 10 concrete projects challenging: output & impact Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Young at Heart Choir Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts “Reconvalescing from a heart attack I joined the choir. It was hard at first. But I felt at home. You just join in. I felt I made a contribution. It gave me energy. We give each other energy.”

Policy making: Innovation Lab / Healthy Ageing Culture participation for seniors from a local perspective Pagina 10

The next five minutes The sense of urgency. 2. Facts and figures. 3. Achivements so far? 4. Designing policy targets Two key messages Kunstwerk in tunnel onder Emmen Centrum Pagina 11

“Society driven, a different governance” 1 Core Centre with 12 districts and12 Villages < citizens 98 km2 / 346 km2 Pagina 12

Seniors 60+ Emmen general (27%) Emmen city core (28%) Emmen city centre (64%) Villages (25%) Pagina 13

Disposable income 65+ Pagina 14

Stakeholders Senior council Churches Culture organizations Welfare organizations Residential care organizations Research organizations Pagina 15

Results 1. Seniors become increasingly assertive 2. Stakeholders need more clarity on senior citizens 3. Culture providers have not yet included seniors, have to reshuffle their finances 4. Assisted living centers become residential centers, understand they have to invest and are aware of the added value Pagina 16

“Red carpet for Colorful Grey” Foundation for culture policy Vision, Collecting, Connecting, Enriching Pagina 17

36 Pilots 6 stages, 6 productions. “Amen isn’t Amsterdam” “Emmen-centre isn’t Klazienaveen” Pagina 18

“Beating a dead horse” Investing in culture participation for seniors is profitable ande valuable Profitable Entrance of Emmen city-centre Pagina 19

Centre of Applied Research and Innovation Art & Society & ZINNCare Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

projects at ZINNCare Learning to play an instrument at an elderly age Creative Music Workshops Music and Dementia Music Generations (intergenerational singing talent development programme) Classical concerts by conservatoire students ‘Ageless Jazz’ Ik zie, Ik zie (I spy…) - portraying clients with dementia Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

Music at ZINNCare Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

so far... first impressions of what we value shared vision fitness to purpose, appropriate to context collecting connecting generosity enriching involve the elderly involve volunteers mixture of bottom up & top down development …... Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts

thank you & good bye Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing - Innovation Lab Healthy Aging & the Arts