iSupplier Portal September 2007
2 iSupplier Portal Purpose Benefits Login Navigation Viewing Information Advance Shipment Notices Preferences
3 Purpose Ingersoll Rand made an investment to implement a true partnership with our vendors through an Oracle product called the iSupplier Portal. We will provide you with tools you need in order to take advantage of the portal and collaborate effectively with Climate Control Technologies. The following plants will be implementing Oracle in 2007 and this will enable you to use Oracle to interact with them. –Hastings, NE –Louisville, GA –Minneapolis, MN
4 Benefits View: –Purchase Orders –Receipts –Invoices Logged –Payments –Orders to be acknowledged –Past Due Orders –Returns –Defects –Forecast –Delivery Performance –Purchase Order History –Product History
5 Benefits Vendor Actions: –Reschedule Orders –Cancel Orders –Acknowledge Orders –Enter Advanced Ship Notices
6 Logging On Vendor Requirements: –PC or Laptop –Internet Access (prefer DSL, Satellite or Wireless Connection) Required Information – address –First Name –Last Name –Phone Number –Fax –Company Name –Branches and Cities Located –Responsibility
7 Logging On Once Climate Control provides a Login you can access the portal via the Internet Use this URL address: If available, we may have a test site set up –Ask your IR contact to find out if one is available
8 Logging On Each Supplier will be provided with a username and password which is unique to them –Multiple people can logon with the same ID –To change the password, contact the Help Desk in Minneapolis at Enter Username and Password and Choose Login
9 Navigation - Home Page Search: search for specific PO Number, Invoice, Shipment or Payment. Orders At A Glance: A listing of the last 10 orders approved. Shipments At A Glance: A listing of last 5 shipments. Logout: Click this link when finished with the session
10 Navigation - Home Page Tabs: The different areas can be accessed though these tabs. Receipts: View Receipts, Returns and your On-Time performance as well This Notifications section is where you can view notifications of orders that have been changed, new orders, cancelled orders, etc.
11 Navigation - Home Page Planning: This is the forecasting function we use – you can choose to review the forecast via the portal, or we can send it via . Payments: View Payment History online or receive a weekly summary of payments Shipments: Tools for preparing Advanced Shipment Notices
12 Navigation - Home Page Invoices: View Invoices for Purchase Orders, Releases and Receipts Orders: Review of Orders and PO Change History
13 Navigation – Performing Searches Simple Searches –Predefined Searches -Enter Predefined Criteria
14 Navigation – Performing Searches Advanced Searches –User enters detailed criteria Click this button to perform an advanced search. This is available from most screens.
15 Notifications This Notifications section is where you can view notifications of orders that have been changed, new orders, cancelled orders, etc. In this view, a maximum of five notifications are visible. If there are more Notifications, you have to click the Full List button.
16 Notifications Click this button to perform an advanced search. This is available from most screens. This is an example of a notification – You can see changes in pricing, quantity and delivery date. Notice that no Response is required on this notification, some notifications may require the suppliers approval.
17 Purchase Orders Again, more PO’s can be viewed by choosing Full List. Click the link of the desired purchase order to see the order details
18 Purchase Orders Note here you can view the header detail: Supplier, Address, Buyer, Order Date, etc. Use the scrollbar to see additional information
19 Purchase Orders Bottom part of Purchase Order Page - Click the Show link to see line detail on the Purchase Order
20 Purchase Orders - Export To export a purchase order, select the Purchase Order from the List of POs, click the Export button, and then click Save.
21 Purchase Orders - Export Click this button to perform an advanced search. This is available from most screens. Name the file and click Save – you can now open this file in Excel, Word, and Notepad. Excel does a nice job opening and putting the data into columns
22 Purchase Orders - Cancel If you wish to cancel the order, click the radio button to the left of the order and click Request Cancellation
23 Purchase Orders - Cancel Note you can choose to cancel part of the order, or the entire order
24 Purchase Orders - Cancel Type a reason for cancellation and click Submit. The buyer will receive notification of the cancellation.
25 Purchase Orders - Acknowledgement You may have a purchase order that requires an acknowledgement. You cannot request changes to a purchase order or release until the order has been acknowledged.
26 Purchase Orders - Acknowledgement Once you choose Accept or Reject the buyer will receive notification of your action.
27 Purchase Orders - Acknowledgement Shows you that your PO has been acknowledged.
28 Purchase Orders – History From the Purchase Order History on the Orders tab you can view the history of a Purchase Order by selecting any one of the views.
29 Purchase Orders - History Use the navigation buttons to change views. You will be able to see the New and Old value of the change, but you will also see one of the values below on the PO next to the change to indicate what has been changed.
30 Viewing Receipts This tool is great for reviewing what a plant has received in a time period, for viewing receipts against a specific Purchase Order or Blanket Release. Type in known information and choose Go. Below you see the results. Click on a receipt number to view the details.
31 Receipts Receipt details are shown above. You can click on returns to see any relevant returns or choose export if you would like to view the data in Excel.
32 Returns Again, enter search criteria of what you are looking for exactly. You can enter a range using Advanced Search or look for returns for a specific Item, PO, ASN, or RMA. Details are shown below.
33 Performance Suppliers can view their performance. General use of this would be to enter in a Due Date criteria in the Advanced Search tool.
34 Performance The performance is based on zero days early/late. This is not tool that Supply Management will use to determine Delivery Performance
35 Payments By going to Accounts – View Payments you can view any payments made to you. By selecting the specific payments you can view the details.
36 Payments Payment details shown below.
37 Invoices By going to Accounts – View Invoices you can view any Invoices. By selecting the specific invoice numbers you can view the details.
38 Invoices Invoice details shown below.
39 Supplier Items By going to Product – Supplier Item you can find out the on hand qty we have of an item.
40 Supplier Items By choosing Sub inventory you can view where it is located.
41 Supplier Items Above you can view the details on the sub inventories of where the items exist.
42 Advance Shipment Notices ASNs notify Climate Control that you are sending a shipment as well as verifies the quantity you are sending. All Suppliers on ERS are required to enter Advanced Shipment Notices for all of their orders.
43 Advance Shipment Notices Select the lines for the PO Number(s) for which you want to create the ASN and choose Add to Shipment Notice.
44 Advance Shipment Notices Type the Packing Slip number and any other relevant information on the shipment lines. Packing slip number should be your PS number. Also verify the Quantities you are shipping. Next Click on Shipment Header.
45 Advance Shipment Notices Enter same Packing Slip number on the Header as well as the Shipment Number. Shipment Number will be your Packing Slip Number. Enter other information pertaining to the shipment, if applicable, then click Submit
46 Advance Shipment Notices This page verifies that your ASN has been created.
47 Advance Shipment Notices
48 Advance Shipment Notices
49 Advance Shipment Notices If for some reason you created an ASN that was not relevant you can cancel the item. Go to View Shipment notices. Select the relevant shipment and choose Cancel Shipment Notice.
50 Preferences Here, you can customize the way in which iSupplier displays Scroll down for more options
51 Preferences Once you scroll down the page you can also change your password if needed.