Bicycle Storage in Savannah, GA Adam Blount Will Crowe Nicholas Dodson Scy Fuller Michael Noto Jordan Wiggins Winter
Focus Our research teams focus to gain a better understanding of the process, interaction, and motives behind locking and storing bicycles in public, external spaces in Savannah. 2
Statement of Purpose The purpose of our research is to find ways to improve the process of storing and locking bicycles through direct interviews and observational research in Savannah, Ga. 3
Value Bike storage is important not only to the bikers who utilize the rack to store their bike, but also to others with regards to space used and flow of movement around these often obstructing elements. We hope to help alleviate both problems and make a better securing rack for added bike protection that requires only a limited amount of space for both it and the bike 4
Research Field 5
Question 1 Part a)How does one interact with other bicycles when seeking to park or store one’s own bicycle -and - Part b)Does routine effect how one locks their bicycle? 7
Why? To see if current bicycle racks are meeting the needs of cyclists; To see if the bicycle rack layout is as efficient as it could be. 8
Question 2 Does the type of bicycle rack or type of lock used determine the intended length of stay? 9
Why? To determine best perceived method of locking bicycles; To determine if different locks are more useful in different circumstances 10
Question 3 What parts of the bicycle are locked? Why? 11
Why? To know what parts of the bicycle cyclists are concerned about having stolen; To help determine if current bicycle racks are able to meet the need to lock those parts; to unearth potential opportunity for better and more efficient bicycle rack design 12
Question 4 What are the city/Savannah College of Art and Design(SCAD) ordinances on bike rack design criteria? 13
Why? To understand stakeholders restrictions; To determine why bicycle racks may or may not be meeting the needs of cyclists and to determine potential restraints for future bicycle rack designs. 14
Stakeholders 15
Artifacts 16
Observation 17
Interview Process 18
Team A Interview 1 Female Location-Bull and State Street SCAD alumni legal carrier-uses bike for her job Uses: U-lock: she locks frame to tire because she can't use bike if they cut cable and secures Cable: bike to object Needs space for basket/ fatter tires Prefers: Skinny Poles as station for storing bike Keeps eyes on bike if not locking Carriers packages and accounts for this when storing_-delivers packages first Interview 2 Female Location Bull and State Street by CVS Job: Server- works downtown Uses: Used U-lock attached back tire to frame to rack because boyfriend told her it was "safer" Protection from elements Parks in areas where she has friends that can watch her bike. Would not use street sign or other object since bike could be lifted over it. Prefers legitimate racks/ storage areas Removes light when she locks her bike. Found U-lock hard to use. 19
Affinitized 1. Both chose a place that was easily accessible, but allowed them to feel safe & secure. For the first interviewee, security meant a rack or pole anchored to the ground. For the second interviewee, security was only achieved when the bike could be seen by other known & trusted friends. 2. Both opted for racks, though the first interviewee would choose any pole that was thin enough to get her bike lock around. 3. U-locks, the second by recommendation, the first out of practicality. 4. No 5. Remove lights, travel light 6. No problems 20
Team B Gulfstream Male - I protect my bike by locking it and anything removable I take with me. No - Someone locked their lock to mine, but I knew who owned the bike it was so I was able to get it unlocked. - Anything not grounded Interview 2 - I lock a U-lock through the frame and the wheel to a bike rack. I sometimes remove the seat, but I feel safe with this particular bike. - No not really - The other day some guy locked his bike sideways across like 4 bike racks. It was really annoying. - No, my bike isn't that nice. Interview 3 (Guy with helmet) - I take everything I bring with me and lock my bike with a U-lock. - No - I get chipped paint on my frame from other people jamming their bikes in to the rack too close to mine. - I lock my bike only to bike racks. Forsyth Park Female No not really The other day some guy locked his bike sideways across like 4 bike racks. It was really annoying I lock a U-lock through the frame and the wheel to a bike rack. I sometimes remove the seat, but I feel safe with this particular bike. Not really 21
Team B (cont) Broughton and Montgomery Female I lock my bike only to bike racks. I get chipped paint on my frame from other people jamming their bikes in to the rack too close to mine. I take everything I bring with me and lock my bike with a U- lock. 22
Evaluation Major Limitations Time Number of participants Major Obstacles Weather Question wording & question choices Making the interviewee feel comfortable to have a conversation 23
Conclusion 24
Questions? 25