Welcome to Room 204! Sarah Baker 4 th Grade
Information Packet In the information packet you will find: Parent Questionnaire – Please complete My Contact Information Odds & Ends about our class Information about IXL Tips from the office Grading Scales (District) Fact Fluency Expectations
Schedule In a typical week we will have: Reading every day Math every day Writing 4 times a week (5 th time is a spelling test) Social Studies 2-3 times a week Science 2-3 times a week Specials Library: Tuesday P.E.: Wednesday Art: Thursday Music: Friday
Our Units Social Studies: Africa Festival of the Arts Japan (Asia) Science Ecosystems Electricity Air, Aviation & Weather If you have any expertise in any of these areas and would like to present to the class please let me know!
More learning… Weekly spelling list & test Weekly cursive practice Guided Reading, Daily 5, and CRAFT Various Writing Styles taught through Lucy Calkins Writing Workshop (Opinion, Narrative, Informational, Poetry) Grammar- Daily Language Review
IXL Comprehensive math program that students can access via the internet from home and school Information of how to access is located on my website and in the information packet
Homework Students will have an assignment book to fill out everyday- Please check this! Students will have homework packets sent home on the last day of the week. Each packet will include Nightly reading (5 days a week) with Reading Log Spelling homework (on weeks with 4 or more days) Either a writing, social studies, or science activity Packet will be due on the last day of the following week There will be a reminder section on each slip where you can find important dates. Due to switching teachers for math, students will have nightly homework depending on the teacher
8 Homework Packet Due: Friday, September 6, 2013 Part 1 Reading Please read for at least 80 minutes during the week. You can split the time however you’d like. You can count any type of reading that you do, even reading that is part of some other homework assignment or the Million Minute Challenge! Part 2: Spelling Complete the attached spelling practice pages. The test will be on Friday. Part 3: Writing/Grammar Complete the attached grammar worksheets. Be sure to complete all sections of the worksheets. You can complete any Draft Book activities on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to the homework packet. Reminders There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2 nd. Back to School Night is on Wednesday, September 4 th from 7-8. If you cannot make it please let me know and I will send home the information with your child. If your child brought home a white packet containing papers about early dismissal procedure, please return those papers as soon as possible. 8
9 Weekly Work Folders Folders will be sent home on Monday (starting this Monday) Each folder will contain your child’s work from the past week and a record sheet. I will record the amount of papers sent home and any comments from the week. At home please, review the papers, sign the log, and send back ones with the return stamp in the folder by Wednesday. If you have any questions about the papers in the folder, please write a note and return it in the folder or me.
Room 205’s Behavior Expectations Easterly Parkway 4 B’s - Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Caring, Be Safe, Be a Learner Baker Bucks Students can earn Baker Bucks by following the 4B’s and Class Contract When a problem arises: –1st offense- warning –2nd offense- 5 minutes of recess –3rd offense- Contact Parents ( , phone, or note)
Laptops We will be using laptops 1-2 times a week All 4 th grade students have access to . Students will be using googledocs, ixl, and typing pal in class.
12 Birthday Treats We love birthday treats in room 204! If you provide a treat, sending one that is easy to serve is greatly appreciated; single serving items work best. If you’re interested, you may purchase a healthy birthday treat basket from the SCASD Food Service Department.
13 Instruments 4 th graders have the opportunity to play an instrument and participate in the choir this year When students are out for lessons, they will be required to complete the work they miss for homework
14 Mystery Readers- If you are interested please sign up with your in the back. I will send a sign up via . Remember to keep it a secret! Closer to the holidays, I will send signs ups to donate party materials and party helpers. Please see our class wish list and consider donating items to our classroom. Volunteer Opportunities
Thank you for coming! I look forward to working with you this year to better the education of your child. Have a great night!