Mrs. Vivian Bucher Mrs. Susan Jannakos Mrs. Jennifer Smith Mrs. Chrystle Thompson Mrs. Jeanine Wilson
Welcome to 3 rd Grade Curriculum Night!
State’s Academic Content/Achievement Standards: 1.Where to find them? Gray Elementary Web Page: Jones County District Web Page:
Teacher Pages
Study guides, powerpoints, worksheets What is being taught & when it is being taught - maps Websites Newsletters, e- mail addresses, quick links Pictures or videos of student s
Reading/ELA Use of trade books for instruction Close Reading Strategies Grades are used in multiple areas according to skills covered Reading Comprehension - ask & answer questions, compare/contrast text, text features, genre (fiction/nonfiction/poetry/fables/folk tales/myths, point of view, main idea/details, research tools and resources Vocabulary - context clues, multiple meaning words, prefixes/suffixes, figurative language ELA Parts of Speech - identify all parts of speech correctly Sentence Structure – Use the parts of speech correctly in a sentence
Math Go Math! - Our adopted Math series Strategies for our “Toolbox” Websites Manipulatives Upcoming skills: Long division, Area, Perimeter, Elapsed Time, 2-digit Multiplication, Measurement, Fractions
Social Studies/Science Concepts to be learned: Social Studies Historical Figures: Céasar Chávez & Thurgood Marshall Government & Democracy Science Soils & Weathering Rocks & Minerals Heat Energy Study Materials Study Habits
State and Local Tests Grade Level and Unit Tests Benchmark Tests at the end of each nine weeks 3 rd Grade Writing Assessment CRCT
Success for the remainder of the year Study their informational material provided Study vocabulary Participate in classroom discussions and activities Give 100% each day
Ways to help your child: Monitor your child’s progress by reviewing signed papers Keep lines of communication open with your child’s teacher Talk to your child daily about school Take advantage of the Parent Resource Center at school Provide opportunities for your child to practice skills learned at school Take advantage of the information on the school’s website and the teacher’s pages- If you don’t see what you are looking for- Contact your child’s teacher Read the weekly newsletter
Parent Resource Center Parent Coordinator: Mrs. McGalliard Instructional Coach : Kristen Beaver