Welcome to 3 rd Grade Mrs. Basch Mrs. Felker Miss Monsman
3 rd Grade Support Miss Dillon Ms. Elliott Mrs. Ramsay
Ohio Department of Education Ohio is in the process of transitioning to National standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Ohio has also changed and deepened their standards for Social Studies and Science.
Cluster C Schedule Morning 8:45-9:15 Intervention 9:15-10:30 Math 10:30-12:30 Writing, Grammar, Specials, Social Studies, Science Afternoon 12:30-12:55 Lunch 12:55-1:20 Recess 1:20-3:05 Language Arts Block, News Depth
Curriculum Science Scientific Ways of Knowing Technology Inquiry Earth Science Physical Science Life Science Social Studies Citizenship Local Government Geography People in Society Local History Economics
Curriculum Math Multiplication Problem Solving Fractions Decimals Geometry Language Arts Literary Text Acquisition of Vocabulary Reading Processes Informational Text OAA Testing
Ohio Achievement Assessment Reading Fall Assessment-October 2 nd Spring Assessment-April 30 th Assessment covers: –Acquisition of Vocabulary, Informational Text, Literary Text, and Reading Processes
Ohio Achievement Assessment Math Spring Assessment-May 2 nd Assessment covers: –Number Sense and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Algebra, Data Analysis
P.E. Music Mr. Kavak Dr. Lineburgh Sing songs, play games, play instruments, and move to music. Third Grade Square Dance is October 19th at 7:00pm Students are given a recorder and a recorder book to keep in the book bag to ensure that these materials will be at school on music class days. Fitness (mile run, shuttle run, flexibility testing, pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups) as well as muscular fitness, cardio fitness, flexibility, body composition and their values as it pertains to health Learning the rules, strategy and tactics for the: soccer, football, floor hockey, gymnastics, basketball jump roping, volleyball, and bowling. Continuing to improve on throwing with opposition (for distance and accuracy), catching and proper kicking form
Library Art Mrs. Zaccardelli Mr. Culley 3 rd graders visit the Media Center once a week and select 2 books. They will learn information regarding library skills, our computerized catalog system, and book awards. Encourage your students to choose “just right books” and read non- fiction as well as fiction titles. For Perceiving and Knowing about art, we look at artists from many time periods. For Producing and Performing about art, we use techniques, technology, and materials artists from the past have used to create our own works of art. For Responding and Reflecting we journal and discuss about the experiences we have seen.
Homework in Third Grade: What Should I Expect? 20 minutes of reading a night Math home links or worksheet Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe Studying for any tests If your child is spending excessive time on an assignment, please let your child’s teacher know.
***Report cards every quarter ***Interims as necessary Academic Marks 4 = achieves advanced grade level expectations 3 = achieves independent grade level expectations 2 = achieves supported grade level expectations 1 = achieves limited grade level expectations Effort + = consistently over and above expectations = meets expectations - = needs to show improvement Report Cards
Technology in the Classroom SMARTboard iPad Classroom computers Computer Lab
Cluster C website Remember to visit our Cluster C websiteCluster C website