About Me About Me Student Resources Student Resources Parent Resources Parent Resources Teacher Resources Teacher Resources Math Math Science Science Social Studies Social Studies Language Arts Language Arts
About Me -Brief BioBrief Bio -Contact MeContact Me
Brief Bio This page will have a brief paragraph about me.
Contact me This page will have a contact form.
Student Resources Homework Help Homework Help Educational Games Educational Games Homework Sheets Homework Sheets Dictionary/Encyclopedia Dictionary/Encyclopedia
Homework Help This page will have different websites the students can go to from help with their homework.
Educational Games This page will have links to different educational games.
Homework Sheets This page will have homework sheets that the students will be working on.
Dictionary/Encyclopedia This page will have a link to an online dictionary and a set of encyclopedias.
Parent Resources Forms Forms Events Events Weekly Homework Weekly Homework Articles Articles Lunch Menu Lunch Menu
Forms This page will have different forms the parents will need to fill out throughout the year. Field Trip Form
Events This page will have a list and brief description of the events in the classroom and the school
Weekly Homework This page will have their weekly homework sheet that I will also send home that will have their homework, spelling words, and list of things going on for the week.
Articles This page will have articles that I believe the parents should read and be informed of these subjects. Bullying
Lunch Menu This page will have the lunch menu for the week.
Teacher Resources Articles Articles Lesson Plans Lesson Plans Teaching Strategies Teaching Strategies Educational Games Educational Games Classroom Management Classroom Management
Articles This page will have articles that I think to be beneficial for teachers
Lesson Plans This page will have lesson plans that I thought were good for other teachers to view.
Teaching Strategies This page will include different teaching strategies for the different types of students in the classroom.
Educational Games This page will have educational games that the teachers might want to use in their classroom.
Classroom Management This page will have different types of information, such as articles and videos about different classroom management procedures.
Math Measurement Measurement Multiplication Properties Multiplication Properties This page will have the different things we are going over in math.
Measurement Time Time Volume Volume Mass Mass
Time This page will have a lesson plan about time, worksheets, games, and videos for the students to use.
Volume This page will have a lesson plan about volume, worksheets, and videos to help the students.
Mass This page will have a lesson on mass.
Multiplication Properties This page will have the different multiplication properties and a lesson plan for them.
Science Life Cycle of a Plant Life Cycle of a Plant Layers of Earth Layers of Earth
Life Cycle of a plant Seed Seed Seed Germination Seed Germination Reproduction Reproduction Growth Growth This page will have a lesson plan on the Life Cycle of a Plant. Videos and worksheets will also be included
Seed This page will have a lesson plan on the life cycle of a plant all about the seed.
Seed Germination This page will have information about seed germination.
Reproduction This page will have information on reproduction of a plant.
Growth This page will have information on the growth of a plant.
Layers of Earth This page will have a lesson plan, videos, and worksheets on the layers of earth.
Social Studies Branches of the Government Branches of the Government Alabama History Alabama History
Branches of Government Legislative Legislative Executive Executive Judicial Judicial
Legislative This page will have information on the legislative branch of government that will be covered in the 3 rd grade.
Executive This page will have all the things that 3 rd grade will learn about the Executive branch of government.
Judicial This page will include information on the Judicial Branch of Government.
Alabama History This page will have different information on Alabama History.
Language Arts Nouns Nouns Verbs Verbs
Nouns This page will have links to the different types of nouns. Common Nouns Common Nouns Proper Nouns Proper Nouns Possessive Nouns Possessive Nouns
Common Nouns This page will have a lesson on common nouns
Proper Nouns This page will have a lesson on proper nouns.
Possessive Nouns This page will have a lesson on possessive nouns.
Verbs This page will have a lesson on verbs.