7 th Grade Health Skeletal 2b
Bones of the Chest Ribs-12 Pair The first 7 are true Ribs False Ribs – Cartilage (8th, 9th and 10th) Floating Ribs – not attached to the sternum (11th and 12th)
Bones of the Pectoral Girdle Clavicle (collarbone) Scapula (shoulder blade)
Bones of the Arm and Hand Humerus(upper arm) Radius (thumb side) Ulna (pinky side) Carpals (wrist) Metacarpals (hand) Phalanges (fingers)
Bones of the Leg, Thigh and Foot Femur (upper leg) Patella (knee cap) Tibia (shin) Fibula (Behind / Side) Tarsals (Ankle) Metatarsals (Foot) Phalanges (toes)
Arches Longitudinal- from heel to toe (think long) Transverse- means across – metatarsals meet the phalanges, weight bearing
Foot Problems corns- hard thick epidermis calluses-thickening of skin, heels bunions-inflammation of the toe joint
Bones of the Pelvic Girdle Hip bones form in the front to form an arch called the Pelvic Girdle. Ilium – broad flat bone Ischium – bone that supports the body in a seated position Pubis bones – arch toward the front and join in the midline of the pelvis.
Bones of the Skull (3 smallest bones found in the ear: hammer, anvil, stirrup)
There are 8 immovable and interlocking cranial bones. There are 28 total bones in the skull
Bones of the Skull (con’t) Sutures-bones are joined along zig zag lines called sutures Fissures-a crack
Bones of the Skull (con’t) Mandible-only moveable bone in the cranium (jawbone)
Bones of the Skull (con’t) Hyoid Bone-lies at the base of the tongue for support; teeth are not bones
Bones of the Skull (con’t) Sinuses-air cavities found in the cranium, function not known; maybe to lighten the weight of the cranium
Spinal Column 32 bones total: 8 of which are fused together 7 Cervical Vertebrae (Neck Area) 12 Thoracic Vertebrae (chest area, 1st 10 contain sockets for ribs to connect) 5 Lumbar Vertebrae – lower back; largest and heaviest Sacrum – 5 fused together Coccyx – last 3 fused together(tail bone)