Library Sleepover Starring Flopsy, Mae Mae and Rose
Time to go to sleep. Good-night Flopsey, Mae Mae, and Rose. See you in the morning.
Flopsey said, “I’m not sleepy.” “Neither am I,” said Mae Mae and Rose. “I know,” said Flopsey, “while no one is here, let’s explore the library!”
“Great!” said Rose. “I need to check my .”
“Let’s race cars,” said Rose.
“Hey, this looks like a good book. Read it to us, Flopsey!” said Mae Mae.
“Hey, let’s play with the train!”
“King Me, Rose!” said Flopsey.
“Your move, Mae Mae,” said Flopsey.
“How did you get up there?”
“This is my favorite tv show,” said Rose.
“Let’s change the channel,” said Flopsey. “I want to watch Dora the Explorer. Vamanos! ”
“ I am looking for some new quilt patterns,” said Mae Mae. “I want to see the hunting books,” said Flopsey.
Hide and Seek “Peek-a-boo, I see you!”
Let’s check out a good book!
“Let’s find a good movie to watch. I’ll pick it out,” said Flopsey.
“How did you get up there?”
“Can I come up there, Flopsey?”
“Sure, you can come up, but I don’t know how we will get down!” said Flopsey
“Oh, no! Flopsey is falling! We should not have climbed up here,” said Rose.
“I need a nap,” said Rose.
“Quick, hide! I hear someone coming!” whispered Flopsey.
“Are they gone? Can we come out now?” asked Mae Mae.
“I told you we shouldn’t have climbed up here,” said Mae Mae.
“Shew, trying to lift the lid to make copies is hard work!” said Flopsey.
“I need to fax in my book order.” said Mae Mae.
“I’m calling and telling your mommy on you.” said Mae Mae.
“Who printed out this pretty picture?”
“Let’s take a ride on the book cart!”
“Hey, Flopsey, let me push it this time,” said Mae Mae.
“I think someone peeked in the window. I better hide.”
“Hey have you guys read this!”
“I can’t make it to the top! I have to rest here,” said Rose.
“Look what a mess you made. We should never climb on things.”
“Whose idea was it to read a book in here? It’s hard and killing my back.
“I’m getting sleepy. All of this playing has made me tired. Let’s go to sleep.”
“Good-night everybody!’